ABOUT TWENTY YEARS AGO, I received an “in person” visit from an angel. It was during a short stay I had in the hospital. My room’s window looked out onto the flat roof of a section of the large hospital. It was not a scenic place to be.
As I lay on my left side, I sensed the presence of a person on my right side. It seemed to be a strong person. Since it was early morning, I believed it was a nurse. The sun was shining into the room and I had no sense of time.
I shifted my body to my right side, and to my surprise, no one was in sight! However, my eyes were drawn to the right corner of my bed. I saw a little girl about the age of 5. (Note: I was not medicated!) The girl stood like a little soldier, gazing straight ahead of her. She wore a brown dress with a small print in it. A wide, white collar adorned her neck. She was not petite, but a bit taller than average. Her dress also had a ruffle around her knees with a white bow on the side. She wore pillow sleeves, as well. She wore white tights on her legs and brown shoes with a leather strap around them, with a button on each side of the shoes. Her dark brown hair was worn at shoulder length.
My eyes were drawn to her eyes. She was a beautiful little girl with big brown eyes and long eyelashes. Never had I seen an angel before!
I leaned my body to my right elbow and simply stared at her in awe. She was planted there by God to give me strength! I waited for her to move. She did not. I waited for her eyes to blink. They did not. Was her strong essence highly noticed? Yes! Was she of goodness and light? Yes! Did she disappear after she had given me strength and a renewed awareness that Jesus was really alive and with me moment by moment? Yes!
If you are struggling with the wonder of the universe — or the questions, “Is God really real?” or “Does God or Jesus know that I exist?” or “Does the Creator care about me?” — my advice is to simply pray, moment by moment and day by day, until you receive an answer from Him. Become aware of small things that positively change in your life, and then give Him the credit. Ask Him to give you a physical sign that He is present in your existence in this confusing world. It may take six months or six days. I don’t know what His plan is for you. He does!
Always remember, He will never leave you nor forsake you, but you need to be a part of His equation! It takes a positive attitude, a willingness to admit your faults and a private conversation between you and the Creator of the Universe. Make it your resolution this year! Happy New Year!