Breath, a mirror of your life: An interview with Terri Peterson


breathe2“Fifteen years ago, I wasn’t into any of this spirituality stuff and had no idea that I was stuck,” said Terri Peterson, SBF, TBF, RPh, who has been teaching Soul Breathing™ for almost five years now and is loving it. “Life is a journey, and Soul Breathing has pushed me to the next level. Breathwork has allowed me to trust myself and know that I can accomplish whatever I want to achieve.”

Peterson studied Soul Breathing with Robert Winn,  Transformational Breath® with Dr. Judith Kravitz, and Arhatic Yoga®/Pranic Healing® with the late Grand Master Choa Kok Sui. She uniquely combines science and spirituality by blending her work as a Breath Facilitator and teacher, along with her work as a Pranic Healer and her profession as a Registered Pharmacist.  She has a holistic practice in St. Paul and teaches Soul Breathing worldwide.

Peterson said Soul Breathing has allowed her to let go of old patterns and to attract the things she wants in her life.

“The breath opened me up and empowered me to be me,” she said. “It gave me the confidence to step out of my identity as a pharmacist and start my holistic healing practice. It brought joy and passion back into my life. Breathwork has allowed me to open to the realm of my soul and the spiritual world in ways I never thought possible.”

Soul Breathing works on the level of vibration. “In a breath session,” Peterson said, “you activate a high vibrational energy that clears and transmutes low vibrational energy patterns that are stuck in your electromagnetic field. You create profound shifts in your mental and emotional states. Breath activates your natural healing and intuitive abilities and draws in vitality. As you open up and release your restrictive breathing patterns, you release your self-imposed limitations, and you can also open to the spiritual dimensions more easily.”

She said your breath is a mirror of your life. If your breath is full, that’s how your life becomes. If your breath is partial, your life will reflect that sense of limitation. Peterson said she used to hold her breath when she felt stress or worry. “That became my metaphor for how I lived my life. My breath revealed to me that I was holding myself back in life. As I changed my breath, I was literally able to change this pattern, expand my consciousness, and start living my soul’s purpose.”

Many of her students have experienced encounters from the other side during a breath session. As their vibration shifts, they find that they are able to access higher states of conscious awareness. Many have had an angelic encounter or received a message from a loved one who has crossed over.

“Recently a woman who had lost her husband was able to feel him come in during her session and hold her,” Peterson said. “She instantly knew things would be okay. Sometimes people get glimpses of a past life. In a recent workshop, one person saw himself as a Native American wearing a white headdress that draped to the ground. Another remembered a drowning experience and was able to release her fear of water. Each person’s experience is unique and since breath is the movement of Spirit in and through the body, it gives you exactly what you need.”

Some breathing modalities can take you out of your physical body, but Soul Breathing actually brings you and your spiritual self into your body, Peterson said.

“Many people forget that our bodies are important and allow us to do incredible things,” she said. “Being fully present in your body allows you to feel your spiritual connection and live from the level of your soul all the time. This helps you stay balanced and centered no matter what comes your way.

“Proper breathing can relieve stress, calm the mind, release traumas from the body, and give you a sense of peace and well-being. Breath also connects you, not only with your higher self and your soul, but to the other side where you can receive messages from lost loved ones or even feel touched by an angel. I invite you to breathe, and see where it takes you.”

Breath Mastery Seminary
Terri Peterson will lead a Breath Mastery Seminar, “I Love to Breathe,” on March 1-2, at the Aslan Institute, 4141 Old Sibley Memorial Hwy, Eagan 55122. Tuition is $375, or $325 in advance. She will also be teach a class, “Breathing with the Angels,” from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 22, at the Center for Harmonious Living, 12201 Minnetonka Blvd., in Minnetonka. The cost is $25.  For more information contact Terri at 651.442.4623, [email protected] or

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Theresa Annette Nygard
Theresa Annette Nygard leads spiritual growth groups in the Twin Cities, and is co-founder of the Spirit Unlimited, an organization which supports the leaders, teachers and healers in the spiritual awareness movement. She can be reached at 612-270-3312, [email protected],


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