Fighting Kids and Frazzled Mother soothed by Mother Nature


Our connection with the nature of Mother Earth is un-detachable. We are always linked into her, as she is our life source, our home, and our mother. She is constant and never fails us and yet, at times, we fail ourselves by not tapping into the plentiful resource of her soothing presence in our life.

On one occasion I was having a particularly challenging morning in my household. Nothing abnormal, just the daily stresses of family life. Two crabby and fighting kids at the breakfast table, a mess made, and the broken will of a mother to keep her calm. I’m sure it was the result of an accumulation of feeling like there was too much to do and not enough time, topped off with one more mess to clean up and my threshold was maxed. So, I lost it. Screaming at my children over the mess they had made as I angrily cleaned up their spills, I knew this was not a good start to the day for any of us. So, I turned my back on it all and proclaimed, “We need to go outside.”

Within sheer moments of going outdoors, all three of us had settled down. Our spirits seemed to have been uplifted just by being outside. With no walls to dull the vibrations of nature or block our senses to her, she soothed us unconsciously and gave us space to be. No one was fighting anymore and no one was yelling. In fact, the children were now joyful as they ran around across the yard.

Still holding onto the residual feeling of defeat, I let them just go while I plopped myself heavily down onto a patch of lush green grass. With nothing currently pressing on my energy or my psyche, I had enough space to just stop and breathe. And so that’s all I did. Just breathed and looked around at the world outside, at Mother Nature, and took notice as she wrapped her healing arms around me.

I noticed that as I looked across my yard at the green of the grass and the green of the trees, the gentle vibration of green was very soothing and was helping to heal my angst. I took in the energizing rays of the golden sun as they gently warmed the top of my head. I felt the coolness of the breeze caress through my hair in loving delicacy. I even zeroed in on the buzz of a cicada from somewhere in the trees and was able to take in its melody of nature as a means of soothing my being. All of nature was indeed having an effect on me — and I was grateful to be lulled back to peace.

It wasn’t too long after that when I raised myself up and joined my children, who were now smiling and swinging at their playset. I knew that the gentleness Mother Earth had passed onto me was now available for me to pass on to my children.

I also knew that it was going to be a great day.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Korinn S. Hawkins
Korinn S. Hawkins is author and illustrator of several children’s books including Our Home, The Earth. She is also an Energy Healing Practitioner. She writes an intuitively based blog,, and is available for intuitive and crystal healing sessions. To learn more about Korinn, To learn more about Korinn, visit her website at or email her.


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