Fast Food Kitchen


shapiroWe are a fast food driven society! Sure, that quickie meal from the drive-through may seem bigger, cheaper, tastier or quicker, but your body views it as fake food. So many of the foods we consume today have been overly processed and refined so much that it cannot even be classified as “real” food anymore.

Mass marketers are taking “real” food, devitalizing it, infusing it with a chemical cocktail and preservatives, and telling us it is fortified with vitamins and minerals so we think we’re eating healthy! I am here to share the news that you can have healthy food fast.

Fast food is not going through the drive-through at your local burger chain restaurant, but rather learning how to prepare simple, easy-to-put-together healthy foods using real food ingredients. Real fast food offers you a sense of well-being along with positive energy fueling — not only your body, but your mind and your spirit. Yes, you can have it both ways, quick and healthy, and enjoying proper nutrition may head off disease before it decides to become a permanent resident in your body, or may help you regain your health in the long run.

Instead of downing that carbonated, chemical, refined, artificial and processed food, wake yourself up and bring your life back into a state of well-being with Seasonal, Organic, Unrefined, Unprocessed and Local (SOUL) food instead.

To help get a sense of how easy healthy meals can be to prepare, here are a few of my family favorites, taken from my treasured copies of The World’s Healthiest Foods, by George Mateljan, and The Garden of Eating, by Rachel Albert and Don Matesz. Remember to use fresh, organic, and local produce if possible and look for wild-caught salmon.

Quick Smoky Simmered Salmon with Chipotle

4 center-cut salmon fillets or 4 salmon steaks (1-1/4 to 1-1/2 pounds)
1/2 cup filtered water, or enough to cover the bottom of the pan by 1/4 inch
1 bay leaf
2 teaspoons dry mustard (powder)
1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon ground chipotle (start with less unless you like it hot)
1-1/2 teaspoons Wright’s Natural Liquid Hickory Smoke Seasoning (double if desired)
1 to 2 tablespoons tamari soy sauce or 1/2 to 1 teaspoon finely ground unrefined
Sea salt

1. Rinse the fish, pat dry, and set aside.
2. Stir water, bay leaf, mustard, chipotle, and liquid smoke in a 12 – to 13-inch skillet. Add optional Sea salt or tamari soy sauce, if desired. Add 2 to 4 Tablespoons additional water if using an electric range.
3. Arrange the salmon pieces in the skillet without overlapping. Cover and bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer the salmon fillets 7 to 9 minutes or for salmon steaks 8 to 12 minutes, until a thin-bladed knife penetrates with little or no resistance and the fish is nearly opaque throughout.
4. Transfer the salmon to plates. If there is excess liquid remaining, simmer and reduce to about 1/4 cup and spoon over the salmon. Serve warm or cover and refrigerate for later, but use within 2 days of preparing. — from The Garden of Eating

Healthy Creamed Corn

1 cup of low-fat milk (or coconut milk)
2 cups of corn kernels (fresh or frozen, organic) divided in half
1 Tablespoon honey
Sea salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste

1. First combine 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of corn, and 1 tablespoon honey in a blender. Add the sea salt and pepper to taste, blending on medium speed for 1 minute.
2. In a mixing bowl, combine remaining 1 cup of corn kernels with the blended corn mixture.
3. On the stove, heat the mixture for 5 minutes on medium heat. Once heated, pour into 2 bowls and garnish with minced parsley, toasted sunflower seeds, and/or ground flax seed. This is a hearty side dish that pairs nicely with chicken or seafood dishes, or can be a main dish with a side salad of lettuce greens. — from The World’s Healthiest Foods

Cantaloupe with Lime and Mint

1 Cantaloupe
2 Tablespoons fresh lime juice
4 mint leaves

1. Cut the cantaloupe in half and scoop the seeds out.
2. Sprinkle each half with 1 Tablespoon of lime juice.
3. Tear mint leaves by hand and sprinkle over each cantaloupe half.
NOTE: You can also scoop the cantaloupe out into melon balls and mix with the lime juice and mint leaves. — from The World’s Healthiest Foods

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Sue Mitchell Shapiro
Sue C. Shapiro, MBWP, CLC, CHt, is a life coach, hypnotherapist, writer, inspirational speaker, ordained minister, educator, and above all else, a Life Dreamer. Although her coaching style can assist anyone who feels drawn to work with her, she has noticed a much larger divine feminine following reaching out for her services. She is focused on empowering women so they know their needs matter, that they are just as important as others, and she’s busy creating interactive workshops specifically aligned to rebuilding a sense of self-compassion and self-love. She offers distance life coaching and hypnotherapy sessions, via telephone or Skype, to clients throughout the United States. She is continuing her educational pursuits to become a Transpersonal Counselor. Visit or


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