A two-day seminar that will teach participants about Kundalini — a powerful, transforming energy located at the base of the spine — will take place on September 27-28 in Eagan, Minn., presented by Kundalini Awakening Systems.
Participants will learn how to receive and live with this gift of grace by practicing the Kundalini Awakening Systems’ protocols, “The Safeties” — activities to strengthen the physical, emotional, psychological, mental and spiritual aspects of an individual.
Kundalini is described as a natural birthright for all people.
Chrism says he came into life with a fully awakened kundalini energy and speaks from his authentic experience. Through his many years of interaction with the awakened Kundalini, he was guided to live a life of helping and teaching others that they may have a safe, supported and full expression of their own Kundalini energy.
The seminar will be at the Best Western Dakota Ridge Hotel, 3450 Washington Ave., Eagan , Minn. Registration is $297. Special room rates are available for the event.
Prior to the Kundalini seminar, these events will take place:
- Screenings of the documentary film Kundalini, a basic introduction to the process of kundalini, will be shown. Call or email for venues and times.
- September 21 — Chrism will be the guest speaker at Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (www.lakeharrietspiritualcommunity.org) at 4401 Upton Ave. S., Minneapolis.
- September 22 — Chrism will speak from 7-9 p.m. at Wind over Fire Healing Arts Center (www.windoverfire.com) at 4902 Wood Lane, in Rochester, Minn.
- September 23 — Chrism will speak from 7-9 p.m. at the Metamorphosis Center (themetamorphosiscenter.net) at 1301 Cliff Road E., in Burnsville.
- September 24 — Chrism will speak from 7-9 p.m. at Living Waters Market (thecenterforharmoniousliving.com) at 12201 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka.
For seminar registration and more information, email rosemaryg@usinternet.com, call 651.452.3161 or visit www.KundaliniAwakeningSystems1.com.