Pagan Pride event returning to Minnehaha Falls


Pagan Pride, a free fall event that offers education about Paganism to the larger community, will return to Minnehaha Falls Park from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 6, hosted by Twin Cities Pagan Pride.

The event will include musical acts and rituals, programming and performers focusing on education and enrichment, a labyrinth for everyone to walk, meditate and/or contemplate, and an array of vendors selling Pagan and non-Pagan wares (jewelry, herbs, handmade goods, books, and more).

Attendees will be encouraged to provide donations to the event’s food shelf partner, Groveland Emergency Food Shelf.

Minnehaha Falls Park is located just off of Hiawatha Avenue north of the Crosstown Highway, at 4801 S. Minnehaha Park Dr., Minneapolis.

Since 1998, Twin Cities Pagan Pride has offered a fall event that has included a ritual focusing on the harvest, a food drive, and rituals, discussions, vendors, and entertainment. It is an organization that educates the general public about earth-reverent faiths, promotes religious tolerance for all faiths, and provides a forum for the exploration, comparison, contrast, growth and expansion of diverse spiritual and religious ideas, theories, practices, traditions and views.

For more information, visit

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