Pineal Tones™ & Dr. Todd in Bloomington


todd-smallA workshop entitled, “Immersion in the DNA Field,” featuring the sound technique of Pineal Tones™ — a method to produce sound that influences your DNA positively — will be presented October 11-12 in Bloomington, Minn., by Dr. Todd, a medical doctor who has been involved with research and development on numerous health issues. His vision is to develop highly effective nontoxic alternatives or adjuncts to treatments for the major health issues that face our world. He works with prominent scientists and teams in the U.S. at the forefront of medicine.

Dr. Todd has developed this Pineal Tones sound technique for over a decade, and it plays an integral role in his teachings on DNA and epigenetics. Since Watson and Crick discovered the three-dimensional structure of DNA, the double helix has become a cultural icon. Three generations hence, our understanding of this molecule continues to grow. And with every step of learning, so builds our potential to overcome the apparent limitations of our biology.

While DNA is a linear information code, or a blueprint, living DNA has a complex, supercoiled structure that emanates electromagnetic fields as part of its deep functional construct. The discovery that human DNA is actually a closed loop and that its central core is superconducting gives the DNA coil antenna-like attributes with a capacity to transmit and receive information through vibrational fields and EM switches.

“The state of DNA and how it is working for you,” Dr. Todd says, “can be enhanced and shifted through natural chemistry, through codes delivered through light and through patterns of tonal sounds. Recent work in the area of epigenetics shows that changes in how we eat, meditate or even think can flip internal switches and change the expression of the code. This change is so powerful it can be transmitted to our offspring.”

Participants at the workshop will be taken though a journey of images and geometry to understand the core patterns, and they will learn how to shift mind and lifestyle to enhance the expression of their personal codes.

Patterns of nutrition, advanced light technologies and the science of sound also will be shared as tools that promote optimum self-expression. Creating deep, altered states, the tones can be sung individually or in pairs. Biological studies in plants have shown that the beneficial effects of these patterns reach and even exceed the effects of playing Mozart.

“Through an immersion in information and experience, the program is intended to take your understanding and access to a deeper level,” Dr. Todd says. “This workshop is a celebration of the art and magic of the life code giving you advanced understanding to have a greater ability to direct your own destiny”.

For more information, visit To register for the event, go to

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