Garland Pose, or Malasana, is a posture that brings forth a sense of oneness and connection. We are connected to the earth through our grounded stance and to universal love through our hand position.
Our hands are an extension of our hearts, and anything they touch infuses our heart’s energy into it. In Anjali Mudra, the hand position in Malasana, our palms press together to unite and embody the continuous circle of loving oneness.
In Malasana you are centered in love’s energy. Therefore, you can clearly channel your expression of love for this world. Our heart can speak as our guide in this space.
When I heard my heart’s message of oneness, loving kindness, equality and peace throbbing to be expressed, I knew I had to create the Beyond Belief Walk for Peace. The message was so clear that I still feel it in my body as I prepare for this year’s walk. People of all spiritual paths, races, genders and sexual orientations come together at Mall of America to walk in peace.
This year we have renowned speakers flying in from around the country to inspire us to create more peace within ourselves and within our communities. Join us from 8:30-9:45 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 15, to build bridges of peace and unite for love.
Peace is a posture worth giving a try.
Take a few deep breaths. Separate your feet wider than your hips and turn your toes out. Your knees follow the line of your toes — don’t let your knees cave in. Press your palms together over your heart. Bend at your hips and knees to drop your booty towards the ground. If you feel knee pain, STOP, back off a bit and hold the pose from before you felt the knee pain. Take 10 deep breaths, repeating the mantra “we are one.” See you at the walk. Namaste.