METHICS® is an acronym for: My Enjoyment Today = Happiness, Inspiration, Control, and Satisfaction. Control refers to trying to control ourselves and our life, rather than trying to control others or situations beyond our control. METHICS is based on the belief that positive thoughts and behaviors result in beneficial outcomes for ourselves and others, while negative thoughts and behaviors result in harmful outcomes for ourselves and others.
The principles of METHICS include:
- Autonomy — taking responsibility for one’s actions and having independent, self-governing freedom.
- Self-efficacy — believing in one’s ability to achieve personal goals and overcome challenges. Overcoming adversity and other challenges can play important roles in personal growth and development by forming strong character, promoting resilience, improving confidence, and increasing self-esteem.
The key concepts of METHICS are: Living in the present; individual empowerment; discovering meaning and purpose; positive change and personal growth; focusing on the future, less on the past; being congruent with one’s Core Belief System; and self-actualization and being satisfied with one’s life and lifestyle.
METHICS Discovery is a personal journey that never ends. There is no such thing as: “I discovered myself” or “I discovered the True meaning of life” in METHICS Discovery. Those terms refer to something already accomplished. The journey to something discovered in the physical world ends at the destination where the inspiration — drive and motivation — to discover something new is soon gone, along with the challenge and excitement of discovering it. Many of us know what can happen when we find ourselves living that way: when our inspiration and excitement for life are gone.
We can begin and continue our journey of Discovery by: getting to know our True selves; discovering what will make us happy, inspired and satisfied; taking advantage of opportunities and support we encounter along the way; and making beneficial personal decisions, which will allow us to pursue and experience a rewarding and satisfying life — the life we want to live. Through METHICS Discovery, we can continue to learn and grow into the person we are meant to be. As we travel on our personal journey we have the opportunity to Discover ourselves, the people and world around us, and begin to understand at least one meaning of life — to give life meaning.
This is not accomplished by looking outside ourselves and trying to understand a world that makes no sense. It’s accomplished by looking inside ourselves — into our own world — deep within ourselves: a world that will make sense, when we take the time and make the effort to try and understand it. We can do this by introspection, acquiring knowledge and wisdom, filling our mind and soul with meaningful and positive substance, living a healthy lifestyle, and having a clear, defined purpose — a purpose congruent with our Core Belief System.
The concepts and principles of METHICS and METHICS Discovery can help us focus on positive thoughts — thereby influencing positive emotions, attitudes and behaviors — resulting in a more rewarding and satisfying life. Developing and maintaining a positive and healthy lifestyle not only helps us move forward in a positive direction, it also gives us the opportunity to enjoy life along the way.
We can enjoy today — the present — and experience the happiness, inspiration, personal control and satisfaction we all crave. Knowing how to live a balanced, exciting and satisfying life is possible. This possibility should give hope and inspiration to all those seeking direction and fulfillment, so they can begin their journey to a better life and experience the well-being all of us are seeking.