It is very refreshing to look out the windows and see the grass, flowers and trees coming back to life. Winter can be very brutal at times. This year has been especially difficult for people living on the East Coast near Boston, while here in the Midwest the winter of 2014 seemed to last forever, and we did have snow in May.
At times I have had my doubts whether the little animals and birds would all make it. I have watched the winds blow so hard that our bird feeders were scattering seeds all over the snow. When the spring thaw finally came, we have seen layers of seed and debris surface within the melting snow.
This year as I watch for signs of spring and listen to the birds chirping so cheerfully, I am happy I live in a part of the world that has visible reminders of the seasons. The signals of spring always make me feel like cleaning my home, my office and my closets. I enjoy changing my clothes from darker, thicker materials to the light and bright clothes of spring and summer.
Spring also is a time to clear and clean out my mind of all the clutter that I absorbed in the past several months. I consciously start a familiar process of reestablishing my personal and energetic boundaries with people, commitments, and my own goals. I know it helps me to refresh my thoughts and energy.
During any time of year, there are ways to support your energy and revitalize your spirit. Whether you draw energy from people or you are an introvert and gather energy by being alone, you can always increase your sense of well-being by centering your mind and thoughts.
Here is a quick way to help yourself increase your feeling of well-being:
- Find a quiet place where you can have three minutes to yourself. Get comfortable and start to breathe in as deeply as you can.
- Set your intention to open up the airways of your body.
- While you breathe in imagine, visualize or feel yourself drawing in air or energy from the far corners of the universe.
- As you breathe, allow yourself to feel the energy flowing to you as a radiant and sparkling light. Imagine your body tingling with the energy that is being drawn into your body along with the oxygen that is so very important for your body.
- As you exhale, see your worries and cares being blown out of your body and rising up into the air away from you. Your thoughts are released into the air and transformed into a fluffy pink cloud of love.
- Focus on breathing in the wonderful light of healing air, and exhaling and blowing out your worries, stress and fearful thoughts.
Do this for a few minutes and you will feel better. When you are ready to resume your day, remember whenever you begin to feel anxious, stressed or worried to take a deep breath and visualize breathing in light, sparkling air. Then exhale and blow out your stale thoughts. Blow them far away from your body and into a fluffy pink cloud of love.
Using the wonderful energy of breathing deeply and focusing on your breath, you will shift your mind away from your anxiety, tension or fear and calm your mind and body. You will feel more centered, grounded and at peace. Try it and let me know if this works for you.