The Time is Perfect for Awakening Now


It is time for you, particularly those of you who are sensitive, to realize that you are more than meets the eye. Each one of you is a complex system of many lives, many experiences. Awakening from your spiritual slumber is easy if you just allow yourself to peek into the realms of who you are.

Each person is a soul, with a multitude of experiences, living on the earth to raise the vibration of the world at this time. Dr. Kyra specializes in working with sensitive people. All of you sensitive people are the lighthouses, the compassionate sensitives, who will lead the world into this awareness of change. Now, that does not mean you have to stand up and lead. What it does mean is that you need to take care of yourself, do what feels right to you, acknowledge the vastness of your soul, and be comfortable with your power as a strong human on the Earth at this time.

Yes, if you are sensitive, you are among the strongest souls on the Earth at this time. That is why Dr. Kyra calls her podcast and blog this: “The Strength of Sensitivity.” Sensitive people are those who are most in touch with their true selves, and understand that they are more than just a corporeal body with a brain. A sensitive person knows, intuitively, that the world is filled with benevolent forces and that working in cooperation with spirit and other humans is the only way to peace and advancement. Sensitive people are the link between the basics of life on Earth and the limitless possibilities of spirit. If you are sensitive and aware, you live with a foot in both worlds. It is time to at least make them equal in your life experience.

The point of this article is to let you know that it isn’t that hard to awaken from your spiritual slumber. You’ve been raised in a limited world, with limited beliefs, but you can choose at any time to expand that and to follow your heart’s curiosity.

There are tools to help you and many skilled practitioners with open hearts right here in these pages. If you have any inkling that you are vast and that there is more to life that the four walls that surround you, then you are almost there already. All you have to do is reach out to a friendly helping hand and say, “I’m willing to explore the possibility that I am more than what I’ve been taught.” You can always step back again and pace yourself. But the rewards that await you are spiritual freedom, inner peace and compassion that are mysteries to those who reside within the four walls.

This is a channeled message. Don’t let that scare you. All it means is that Dr. Kyra opened herself up to hear more than the chatter of her brain. She listened to her spirit and transcribed the words that were appropriate for this time. You can do it, too — for everyone can, much more easily than you may think.

To awaken from spiritual slumber this spring, use the momentum of the Earth’s changing seasons to follow your blossoming hunches and gut feelings. Allow yourself to peek into the places and meet the people who will entertain and enlighten your soul. This year, 2015, can be an amazing year of transformation if you simply go along with the gut feelings that are already inside you. Trust your inner hunches. You are far wiser than you think.

Namasté — and remember to have fun!

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Kyra Mesich, Psy.D.
Kyra Mesich, Psy.D., is an innovative holistic health practitioner, the creator of Empathic Awareness Psychology, and author of The Strength of Sensitivity. Her passion is helping sensitive people find their power and happiness in life. Dr. Kyra’s practice incorporates ancient wisdom with leading edge holistic thought. She works with clients in Minneapolis and Woodbury, MN, and by phone. To learn more, visit Contact Kyra at [email protected] or call 612.568.3538.


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