As we begin to transition out of winter and prepare for spring, balance becomes essential for our peace of mind. This buzz of transformation can give us an abundance of energy that can be balanced with restoration.
An ancient healing tradition that often works hand in hand with yoga is called Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a holistic medicine practice that aims to balance the body, mind and spirit through various foods, herbs, yoga postures and other lifestyle choices.
Ayurveda aims to balance the three “doshas” that reside within us: vata (air & ether), pitta (fire & water), and kapha (water & earth). Each of us has one dosha that is more prominent than the other two. As the seasons change, different remedies help to balance your doshas depending on your unique needs.
For me, I need to calm my fiery energy with cooling foods and calming yoga. Standing forward fold is a posture that demands using energy and develops calm. It requires fire to hold the body up. As you hold still, the fire burns away in the surrender of the fold, leaving you calmer and more focused.
Stand with your feet hipbones distance apart with your toes pointing straight ahead. Give a soft bend to your knees. From your hip crease, slowly fold your body in half. Reach your hands toward the ground. Connect your hands to the ground, blocks, or your legs. Tuck your chin in toward your chest. Gaze to your belly button. You can straighten your legs completely, but don’t lock your knees. Take 10 deep breaths repeating the mantra mentally, “My energy is balanced.”