Now that the dust has begun to settle, after the final Uranus-Pluto duo and the blast of the most recent set of eclipses, the Sun in Taurus seeks to harness the wild energy and use it to create something practical and tangible, like a garden. The emotional and psychological dust that arose during the recent flurry of astrological activity is the dirt that we can use to grow food that will feed us.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…The Full Moon may bring buried emotions to the surface, and you may feel like a victim. Take your inner child by the hand, and turn towards the future. Increased self-esteem is possible at the New Moon. Focus on the Power of Love, and create an affirmation around self-worth. Reiterate your value over and over.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…You’ve been experiencing a lot of inner growth and expansion, and it’s time to release old beliefs and evaluate your relationships to determine if they align with the new you. Devote yourself to your goals, and use your determination to express yourself. Present the new you to the world!
Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Are you satisfied with your work, or are you feeling restless and desiring a change? Now is not the time to make a change, but to do some soul-searching, instead. Spend some time by yourself at home, and let your mind wander. Make sure you’re being honest with yourself, as well as others.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)…The Full Moon could bring a controlling relationship to an end or a happy relationship to a more passionate level. If you are single, seek a lover and friends who are Soul companions. The New Moon would be a good time to join a group or class. Have fun! Jupiter will help you to feel worthy and attract good fortune.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…This month you need to strike a balance between work and home. Pay attention to home matters at the Full Moon, because the New Moon will be a good time to put energy into your career. You may not have a choice. A domestic crisis may occur at the Full Moon. Have faith and take care of your health.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…The Full Moon is a good time to express how you feel to a significant other, and have her/him hear you. Stay focused on self-growth. This is a good time to rid yourself of deep-seated fears. At the New Moon, continue to focus on yourself, and expand your mind by studying, traveling, meditating and/or writing.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Your finances may be affected at the Full Moon, so watch your spending. It’s possible to make money from a business or career, now, but think about making investments. Your needs are important, so focus on what makes you feel secure and comfortable. Pay off debts and donate to charities at the New Moon.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…The Full Moon in Scorpio will shine its light on you! It’s time to figure out what your needs are, and how to balance them with the needs of others. Let go of relationships that do not hold deeper meaning for you; keep relationships that provide Soul growth. Use your powerful words to transform your relationships.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Now would be a great time to take a vacation or talk with a therapist to get back in touch with yourself. Your own thoughts become clearer by talking with others. You also may be playing the role of a counselor for a family member, coworker or employee, at this time. Helping others can make you feel better.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…You’ve been coming into your power, and learning how to be more assertive, but now is the time to let go of control a bit, and allow things to happen with little effort. It’s also a time to be with friends, have fun and allow your imagination to flow. Try putting your thoughts into creative words, like poetry or lyrics.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…At the Full Moon, let go of emotional and psychological blocks that hold you back, and put your unique self out there. Let others know about your accomplishments. You can expect public approval. At the New Moon, focus on your home and family. If you purchase home-related items, watch your finances.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…It looks like you will be learning a new skill in a group setting, this month, and experience much personal growth, mentally and spiritually. Open your mind to new ideas, and broaden your imagination. You also may teach others. Offer what you’ve learned. Any type of service provided is likely to go well.