It was the Bell witch and the spirits from Cave Rock at Lake Tahoe that came to me when I asked the spirit guides for help.
It was all the animals and the magical people that got me shape shifting again.
The owl got my attention, along with many spiders and moths.
Mick Jagger’s magical power inspired me, as well.
Saint Joan of Arc.
The sharks and dolphins being taken from the waters, the tolerance for war and evil,
That the creatures cry out about. The music of fall, “No Sympathy for the Devil”
No Sympathy for the Devil
I remember becoming half horse as a child. I had a really good friend whose dad had a beautiful horse ranch in Red Wing, MN. I went down there on weekends, and I learned a lot about horses. I learned to ride on a Shetland pony name Ginger.
When I got back to the city, I set up a hunter jumper course in my family’s back yard and pretended that the bottom of my body was a horse that would be the walking, trotting, cantering, galloping part of me — and the top of me was the person or the rider. I felt one with the horse. I would make horse sounds, and then, as the child being the rider, I instructed the horse and gave commands. I was in second, third, fourth grade when I did this.
Much later in life while discovering ancient art and myth, I was thrilled to find among Egyptian art half-beast and half-human figures. I really understood this.
People have always been one with the animals.
As I grew into my teens, I realized that I could eventually take on the energy of any living animal, transfigure in fantasy, and spirit, receive the energy of the animal and understand its power — and be it. I got into the animal rights movement, but it was so painful that I had to stop bombarding myself with facts and images. It hurt me, as if I was the animal upon which cruelty was inflicted. To this day, if I see images on animal abuse, I’m ill for days, sometimes weeks.
In many ways I’m always in the turmoil, and I care, yet I’m helpless on all levels. Facing it is a harsh reality. In 2007, when I became educated and aware of the slaughtering of the dolphins in Japan, I was in my fully awakened Kundalini state and I became ill. I felt victimized — and I still do. I was horrified at what greed and evil were doing to this mammal, to the apes in Africa and to pigs and chickens kept in concentration camps across this nation.
When I heard of the dolphin issues, everything I had accumulated throughout my life resurfaced. My passion for animals seemed to haunt me — and I realized I was unable to escape this part of myself; as much as I would like to block it out, I cannot. I am ill to this day over all of it.
I had the most profound experience. I was napping and I was out of my body. I saw a huge eye of a dolphin who was being killed. I heard her cry in pain. She cried, blood ran down her body and she thanked me and told me in spirit that she was glad I cared and that other people cared. It was bitter sweet, that a dolphin acknowledged me.
I do not live in Japan and nowhere near the ocean. The dolphin and I were one.
“I said to my soul, be still, and let the dark come upon you which shall be the darkness of God.” ~ T.S. Eliot