The Constancy of the Present Moment of Self!


Today is! Tomorrow will be! The present moment is constant! Previous moments are gone! The future is not fully foreseeable or even changeable.

So live your life and embrace what is of value to you. Let go of the rest. More than a trillion lives have been lived on this Earth, and dysfunction and warring still is abundant. How much of a difference can one life really make?

Be happy and content! Forget about and remove yourself from the drama that does not add value to your life! Let go of friends and even family who pull you down and drain your energy. Anger, frustration, resentment, manipulation and the constancy of struggles are a disease, like cancer. They will kill you and drain you of your life force. When the dust of your life settles, will you look back and say to yourself, “No regrets!” So, choose accordingly.

This Earth and the universe will continue on no matter what you think, feel, believe, do or say! The challenge within each individual life is to be filled with peace within, regardless of the unrest and dysfunction around you and in the rest of the world. Whether you believe it or not, this is really all about you! It is today and will be tomorrow.

That is the constancy of the present moment of Self!

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Ricki Lee Schuster
Ricki Lee Schuster has been transitioning, transforming and releasing energy since 1999. If you are interested in contacting Rick, he can be reached at [email protected] or through Rick currently lives in Worthington, MN, and makes multiple trips a month to work out of the Twin Cities. 


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