Twenty years ago, renowned Qigong Master Chunyi Lin introduced a revolutionary approach to the ancient Chinese healing art of qigong in the Twin Cities. On June 21, the public will have a special opportunity to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Spring Forest Qigong at an event taking place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Earle Brown Heritage Center, 6155 Earle Brown Dr.
“Connecting in the Heart — Healing in the Light” will be a day filled with meditations, Spring Forest Qigong teachings and interaction with those who have found healing and joy in the practice during the past two decades. The celebration is open to everyone, and attendees will be among the first to learn the latest energy healing techniques Master Lin has developed, which can help people heal even faster and more completely from any health challenge.
The 20th Anniversary Celebration kicks off on June 19-20 with a very special two-day class. For the first time ever, Master Lin will share the keys to unlocking our innate infinite wisdom and deepest love. These are the keys he discovered through his decades of study of the Heart Sutra, the Buddha’s perfect expression of unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness. “My goal is for you to leave with full confidence in how to utilize the infinite wisdom of the Heart Sutra in your daily life,” Master Lin says. Participants don’t need any qigong training to receive the full benefits of this extraordinary class, and they don’t need to be Buddhist.
The cost is $97 for the June 21 Anniversary Celebration; $349 for June 19-20 Heart Sutra class. Learn more and register at