Astro Rayology: An Adventure in Self-Discovery


meader-wideIt has been said that the purpose of life is to introspectively find oneself. Indeed, the ancient Greek aphorism to “know thyself” is profoundly true and holds the key to spiritual living. Though there are many methods of self-discovery available to the serious seeker, the Ageless Wisdom places great emphasis upon two powerful approaches: the Science of the Seven Rays and Esoteric Astrology. And, because they have an intimate relationship with each other, the blending of both has sometimes been called Astro Rayology.

An understanding of the Seven Rays is a central feature of the Ageless Wisdom. It maintains that all that exists is a manifestation of seven divine qualities of consciousness. These rays intermix in differing proportions leading to the vast diversity of forms we see within Creation. Often insight into the nature of each of the rays can be intuited through the titles that historically designate them:

  • 1st Ray: The Ray of Will and Power
  • 2nd Ray: The Ray of Love and Wisdom
  • 3rd Ray: The Ray of Active Intelligence and Adaptability
  • 4th Ray: The Ray of Harmony through Conflict
  • 5th Ray: The Ray of Concrete Knowledge and Science
  • 6th Ray: The Ray of Idealism and Devotion
  • 7th Ray: The Ray of Ceremonial Order and Magic

When seeking to know thyself, it is important to realize that every human soul is found upon one of these seven streams of consciousness, and that to know one’s soul ray is to know the very purpose of one’s life. For example, an individual whose soul is upon the second ray will be inclined to serve humanity via educational initiatives or the healing arts. Conversely, a fifth-ray soul will likely be drawn to serve human need through scientific inquiry and research. A deep inquiry and understanding of the seven rays is, therefore, well advised. It facilitates an awareness of one’s spiritual purpose, and is truly an adventure in self-discovery.

Much can be learned of the soul’s nature by introspectively looking at ourselves through the lens of the Seven Rays. Yet, it is not always the purity of the ray that is easiest to detect within ourselves. Because the rays are seeking to express through an imperfect personality, their essential nature is frequently distorted. For instance, an individual whose soul is upon the sixth ray tends to engage with life through an idealistic perspective. Yet, this can become distorted by the impurities existing with the soul’s outer garment — the personality. Such distortion can often result is rigid idealism and blind devotion. An honest self-appraisal is therefore essential.

As mentioned earlier, there is an important connection between the Seven Rays and Esoteric Astrology. This is because each of the rays finds expression through various signs and planets evident within the zodiacal wheel.

For example, Uranus is the custodian of the seventh ray within one’s natal chart. Given this, knowing the position (sign and house) of Uranus in the birth chart speaks to how this particular ray is seeking expression in one’s life. The same can be said when considering the fourth ray planet of Mercury, or Pluto as the carrier of the first ray, or Saturn as the wielder of karma and the carrier of the third ray. Indeed, Esoteric Astrology provides remarkable insights into one’s life through the tapestry of rayological energies weaving though one’s natal chart.

The study of the Seven Rays in combination with Esoteric Astrology is incredibly useful when an individual is driven to discover his/her soulful nature — the authentic self, deep within. Knowing the soul ray speaks volumes as to the nature of one’s spiritual purpose in life. The soul within each of us desires to demonstrate its gesture of upliftment in support of humanity’s betterment. Recognizing your soul ray (as well as the astrological forces that support it) is therefore of enormous value.

In truth, such knowledge provides an enriching perspective on the most fundamental enigma that each of us inevitably faces. That is, the mystery of who we are, and what we have come here to do.

William Meader will be presenting an Astro Rayology Workshop in the Twin Cities on October 9-10 at Spirit United, 3204 Como Boulevard SE, in Minneapolis. For more information, or to register, please go to his website at and click on “Events.”

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William Meader
William Meader is an author, teacher and counselor. Much of his work is focused on the subjects of Spiritual Creativity, the Evolution of Consciousness and the Art of Meditation. At present he is teaching in the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. He resides in Oregon, and can be contacted through his website at


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