“The Pleiadians are bringing initiations from the higher realms for the first time,” Day says. “We as a human race are ready for this amazing life-changing opportunity. These higher realm initiations will take you on your unique awakening journey that will open your vision, moving you beyond the limited reality of life. Experience yourself from a new perspective through a series of direct experiences that will enable you to begin living and utilizing an aspect of your energy that was previously untapped within you before.”
She says an aspect of the higher realm initiation is the opening of four new energetic centers that will transform your energetic system within your physical and energetic body. “There will be a re-positioning of your DNA strands, creating a realignment to aspects of your higher self, opening a clarity and understanding of your life now, empowering you to take your next step,” she says. “The systems of your body will go through a cellular rejuvenation as you anchor new aspects of light within your cells, simultaneously there will be a release of old dense sabotaging patterns leaving your body. Work with the Pleiadians, Lemurians and the pure loving energies of Mother Mary and the Christ energy.”
The Seminar takes place from 1-6 p.m. on October 30-31, and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on November 1 at the Ramada Mall of America, 2300 American Blvd. E., Bloomington. Admission is $425 ($375 before Sept.30).
The evening before the start of the Pleiadian Seminar, at 7 p.m. on October 29, a Transmission of Light event with Christine Day will take place at the site of the seminar. The public is invited to receive an awakening of your Heart through this pure, powerful Transmission of Light. In a Transmission, Christine channels a message from the Pleiadians, which is guided and relevant in the moment. The cost for the Transmission of Light is $28.
For more information and to register, go to www.christinedayonline.com. Email Joanne Wakefield at wakefieldj@hotmail.com or call 651.452.2895.
Have been trying to contact you or your assistant to purchase ticket to your seminar Oct29-Nov2/2015. I did not want to purchase air flight unless I could confirm the early bird price of the seminar fee. IE. before Sept.30/2015. This is my last crack at getting through to you or the assistant. Who knows may be no flights for seats on the 29 of Oct. regards Andrea