God Is Love


Second of 3-part series

Everybody knows that God is love. It’s very easy to say. But if people who say they believe this principle would hold to it and practice it in their everyday lives, this would be a better world.

This is the main divine law of all laws: simply, God is love.

The second of the two great laws is: Soul exists because God loves It. And that’s it.

The information age has opened up so many subjects that used to be taboo. Not so many years ago, dreams were held in very low regard. But now people are starting to accept dreams. Television has broadcast so many shows about near-death experiences that people are getting quite accustomed to hearing about light, beings of light, and modern manifestations of angels. They don’t need to rely on someone’s account of a saint who lived three centuries ago or more.

One morning I was up at four o’clock, and the host on one of the local radio stations told about a dream experience he had had just a short time before. He called it a profound dream.

He’d been having financial difficulties, and he didn’t know quite how to resolve them. So he went on a camping trip with a friend, because when he got to the great outdoors, he felt he was in God’s garden. It gave him a chance to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday living and look at himself, reexamine his values, and see who and what he really was.

One night while out camping, he had a dream with his departed grandmother. He woke up in the dream, and she was in the kitchen. She handed him a catalog. She pointed to it, saying, “It can solve your financial problems.”

When he woke up he told his friend about this dream, then forgot all about it. But his financial worries were still troubling him. All he needed was about $2,000 to resolve them. Then he remembered the catalog that his grandmother had shown him in the dream. There was a circle around the picture of an Italian motorbike, a Lambretta. It was just like the old one he had in the garage. But it didn’t make any sense.

Two months later, the man was talking to someone, and he happened to mention that he had this old motorbike sitting in the garage. He hadn’t used it for years, but it was in good condition. The friend asked him what kind it was.

“A Lambretta,” he said.

“What year?”

When the man told him, his friend said, “That thing’s worth about $2,000.”

All of a sudden the man said, “Two thousand — the magic number.” And just that quickly his dream came back to him.

This is how the spiritual truths are making their way out into today’s society. Why did his grandmother help him? Because she loved him. We come back to the principle: God is love. And the second one: Soul exists because God loves It. Because God loves Soul, Souls should love each other. Or as Christ said, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”

He didn’t say to hate yourself, wear a hair shirt, and treat your neighbor better than yourself. No, he was speaking about Soul to Souls. He was telling them, “You are God’s creation. But so is your neighbor.”

This is a point that has been missed in so many religious teachings in churches today. Love yourself because God loves you, and love your neighbor as yourself. It’s very simple.

Sri Harold Klemp will speak at the ECK Worldwide Seminar at 7 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The Temple of ECK in Chanhassen, the worldwide center for the Eckankar teachings, is celebrating its 25th anniversary, and the public is invited to the open house from noon to 4 p.m. on October 23-24. The October worship service is from 10-11 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 4.

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Sri Harold Klemp
Sri Harold Klemp is an award-winning author, teacher, and spiritual guide who helps truth seekers reach their full potential. He is the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master and spiritual leader of Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom. His body of work includes more than one hundred books, which have been translated into eighteen languages and won multiple awards. Find your own path to true happiness, wisdom, and love in Sri Harold Klemp’s inspired writings. Visit TempleofECK.org and Eckankar.org.


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