A Message from the Circle of Life Angel


The loss of a loved one we hold close to our hearts may be one of the most difficult things we ever encounter in this lifetime. The hardest part to understand for those of us left behind is the reality that everything really is in divine order. While we miss them dearly with all our heart, they are exactly where they are supposed to be…and they arrived there in perfect timing, just as it was planned prior to this present incarnation. Their soul has simply moved on to the next level of Consciousness.

You can hear them in the wind…as they are only a breath away. You can sense them around you…because often they are. You can feel them in your heart…for your love holds them there.

The Circle of Life Angel was created to assist us in working through our emotions surrounding this loss. First and foremost, she reminds us that life goes on for all eternity; it just changes form.

To heal you must purify the way you look at what has transpired. Are you grieving from a place of love? Or are you grieving from a place of anger or fear? Are you crying because they are gone and you feel abandoned? Or are you crying because of the magnificence of them and all that they represented to you? Two very different ends of the same spectrum. What often blocks the healing process is staying attached to the drama.

The Circle of Life Angel reminds you to stretch, to reach up and pull yourself to the next level — to not be so “other” focused, but rather continue to move forward with what it is you are here to do. And to always remember to focus on what brings you JOY.

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Lori Daniel Falk is a New Thought leader, Epigenetic healing artist, author, and spiritual life coach who has been gifted with an artistic healing modality that enables her to communicate with, and share, the wisdom of the angels in both pictures and words. Her Angelic Message Portraits™ are not just images of beauty, they are epigenetic tools designed to heal at a deep emotional level. Her recent books, What the World Needs to Know NOW: Wisdom of the Angels, and Angelic Rx's for Manifesting Adult Coloring Book, are available on both amazon.com and www.wisdomoftheangels.com. Her new line of Greeting Cards are currently being test-marketed by Blue Mountain Arts. 



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