The Season for Reflection


Winter is a season of harvest and reflection. After planting the seeds we sow to improve our life throughout the year, there comes a time when we harvest the fruits of everything we have done and need to take time to reflect on our life and where we want to go in the New Year.

This year has seen many challenges as the global consciousness expanded into a higher vibration. When we talk about higher vibrations, we simply mean that our Inner Consciousness is becoming more perceptive. Consciousness is full of spiritual electricity that influences our ability to see reality, i.e. all the things that we can normally ignore because we don’t want to notice them. Higher vibrations increase our level of consciousness. When we turn on the light we can see more of the dirt in the room. We call this a challenge.

Every challenge that we faced this year presented to us an opportunity for change. This was the year when we could finally take significant steps to improve our life and move in the direction of our highest good. It doesn’t always look that way, but if you look back you can see that it was all for the best.

As Winter sets in and the weather becomes colder, everything slows down and all of Nature withdraws into itself to rejuvenate and prepare for the next growing season. Human consciousness is part of the natural rhythm of the universe. After every cycle of activity, there is a cycle of rest and reflection that allows us to slow down and center our energy enough to get a new perspective on where we want to go next. In the ancient days, this was a time of cleaning the house and preparing for the New Year. It is not a time for action. It is a time to relax and reflect on what we are doing and what we want to feel in our new life in the future.

Reflection helps us to review the past year and peacefully observe where our energy is going. Meditation in any form allows us to look inside and see what our heart wants. This is not about thinking. It is about tuning in to our true nature and feeling what our heart is trying to tell us.

The heart is the home of our soul. While the mind is shouting at us to do this or that, our soul is whispering with gentle feelings from our heart. Take time to listen to the whisper of the heart. If your mind is too noisy, you will jump too quickly and make a mistake. Winter is an ideal time to sit by the fireside and just tune in. “What do I really want? What will make me happy?”

You may not realize it, but your consciousness is more alert now than ever before in your life. If you are just blindly thinking without tuning in, you will not notice the message from your soul that is helping you to see things you didn’t notice before and make better choices. The right choices always come from the silent whispers of our heart. Taking time to relax and tune in is part of the cycle of Nature. What today we call a dream becomes tomorrow’s reality.

The answers are all inside of you. The universe loves you and wants to see you happy. Our life is one cell in the Cosmic Body of the universe. The universe is not trying to punish you, because to punish any cell in the body of the universe brings pain to the Divine Being that we are all a part of. The universe wants you to be happy and make choices that will not only improve your life but help to change this world to be a better place for us all to live. If you listen, you can hear the whisper and feel the movement of your heart as it motivates you to take new steps.

Promise your self to take time this Winter to reflect on what really makes you happy. Hold that dream in your heart and allow the energy to build. When next year comes, follow your dream and make it happen.

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Bob Fickes
Bob Fickes has been teaching meditation and healing and a channel for the Ascended Masters for 50 years. He has lived and taught in Asia for the past 25 years and is one of the foremost teachers in Japan. Visit


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