My way is Ghost. It’s a spiritual way of life I learned with guidance from the Mandan Turtle Priest, Cedric Red Feather, and the late Sam Little Owl. We have an affinity with the Great Spirit, and with all of creation. It is the Spirits we learn from, rather than the human beings. It is a beautiful path of free will, love and compassion not bound by rules, laws or commitments.
The thought of making New Year’s resolutions sounds, therefore, too akin to making pledges. I shall, instead, offer a clear light tube from the present self to the Higher Self.
In my present empathic state, I steer clear of ordinary thinking. This helps preserve clarity of vision and telepathic communication. It’s easier to remain open when unconstrained by thought barriers derived from others. Strangely, some react with anger when we fail to go along with their program. To retain our Divine purpose, however, we must be ourselves at all times. Others will demand of us an expected laundry list of resolutions: lose 25 pounds, exercise more, shop less, etc. Instead, why not amass a list more ethereal in quality?
Let us determine that, for this splendid new beginning we call 2016, we bring into existence happy, fulfilling lives. You will have your own objectives. Here is a snapshot of me in 2016, situated within my Higher Self: I am productive, I am talented, I am beautiful, I am strong, I am creative, I am wise, I am compassionate.
Instead of Seven Deadly Sins, I have Seven Splendid Virtues:
- Productivity: I’m not giving into it, this materialistic notion that meditation, dreaming, and reflecting are without value. They constitute the first step, part and parcel of the creative process. I will indulge my meditations, dreams and thoughts until they produce beautiful essays, cards, and works of art.
- Talent: My abilities are what make me unique, and I will share them gratefully with others. My life has meaning when what I excel at encourages others to develop talents within themselves. It’s not about me — about what attention I can garner. I receive immeasurable joy in helping others realize themselves fully.
- Beauty: All my life, I have fallen short in the critical eye of others. The Great Spirit made me, and the Great Spirit is a beautiful White Light of Pure Love. I emanate from that same Light, so I will end the marathon of self-rebuke, hold my head high and walk tall in Spirit.
- Strength: I will not be defeated by the negative intentions of others. The least shadow fills me with the desire to bring in more Light. I feel only sadness for them that they go out in the world with an intention to harm instead of an intention to heal. I bless and release them to their Highest Good, but I do not dwell on the low side of the road with them.
- Creativity: All of my energies will go to repurposing what I already have, being grateful for the abundance already here, and coming up with ideas for the prosperity that is coming. It’s good to be prepared so nothing is wasted.
- Wisdom: True wisdom is like dew on petals. We see glimmers of it. We shiver, aware of the presence of the Holy Ones, bestowing insight as we look out at the world’s true essence. Without self, without ego, without mind, without control or limitation, there is an opening into which wisdom may quietly enter.
- Compassion: The single most important gift we have to give to other beings is compassion. It is the heart’s healing force, a positive, loving emanation transcendent of differences or distinctions. The world is a much more tender and endurable landscape with compassionate people in it.
So there it is: my soul’s energetic road map for 2016. I will make colorfully designed cards bearing these concepts for my altar. There are so many negative labels out there our minds could latch onto and obsess over. Why can’t we just as easily glom onto and rejoice in the positive ones?
Happy New Year! Numak k ki ami wa (All My Relatives)