Let’s keep our eye on the prize this month; Mercury in Capricorn offers us unusual competence and challenges the first two weeks of February, but we can get frustrated if we don’t have clear and caring goals. Around February 5-6, Venus conjuncts Pluto and cracks open our priorities. Let’s keep our hearts expansive even as we push forward, good relationships are more efficient than false productivity. As Mercury enters collaborative Aquarius February 12 and Venus on February 16, let’s love our circle rather than load Valentine’s Day with romantic expectations. Towards the end of the month, the Sun enters Pisces, conjuncts intuitive Neptune, lowers our energy but attunes us to the quiet voice within. We can choose to listen.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…You can have an approach-avoidance love with your community February 1-13; you like being needed but can feel impatient, chafed by responsibilities. If inspired, be heroic, but don’t do others’ work for them. Mid-month, lead rather than resist; if you don’t like events, initiate improvements. Come back to your heart the last few weeks and process a backlog of feeling.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…Don’t get involved in unnecessary politics; do kindly hold the ship on course, for we need your steadiness. February 7-14 can provide opportunities cloaked in apparent difficulties. Support others with affectionate nurturance, but don’t be drained. Rest and let others steer towards the end of the month.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Speak thoughtfully, others become controlling under stress, and you need to choose when to step away, when to talk it through, and when to make communication a radical act of compassion through the first half of February. Your efforts come back to roost with love or challenge mid-month. The last two weeks may be more comfortable, just don’t spread yourself too thin.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)…Be centered rather than defensive in early February; if others prickle around you, don’t take it personally. You are needed to pick people up when they fall, offer them soup and sympathy. Signals can be mixed and confusing towards the end of the month; drop judgment and seek to understand and be understood.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Your stubborn strength can help you accomplish but could stimulate tension these first few weeks. Be gracious even if not flexible. Mid-February may offer a lesson in loving detachment. Your surroundings become more interesting, conversation starts to flow your way towards the end of the month; shine but stay considerate of others’ needs.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Reel in the crankiness and just get the work done. You may come to some powerful realizations this month, but need to follow through on opportunities and commitments now to nurture your life’s garden. Speak from compassion rather than judgment mid-month. Prioritize health, rest, and renewal the last week.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Apply your philosophy and it expands your spiritual perception, stretches your understanding, and changes your relationship habits to develop a healthier balance between your needs and theirs. Let your inner artist dance around Valentine’s Day. Later on, if shared resources become a point of contention with sibling-like people, hold an equitable vision.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…You may feel cranky as the month begins but can redirect this towards surgical decisions; edit what you don’t need to create room for what you do. People will tend to take you seriously, so don’t waste the opportunity in sarcasm. Be straightforward about your need for solitude or intimacy mid-month. Step back into your empathic heart later on.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Saturn pushes you to mature, but don’t lose your spark; reach for a more realistic, responsible approach but don’t be limited by other people’s assumptions. Don’t argue; get more information instead. Nearby decision-makers can be supportive when your goal is clear and well-researched. Be cautiously diplomatic early in the month, playful mid-month, and relax towards the end.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…If strong emotions rock February’s first few weeks, stay centered and keep the heart open. You can have an extra glow with Venus in Capricorn through Valentine’s Day. Be effective, but do so for the common good, and watch how people respond. After Valentine’s, empower others by encouraging their leadership with your appreciation.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Lead by example; be proactive and avoid a lazy streak that creeps in privately. The foundation of your work will benefit. Create inclusive connections mid-month; be the host at life’s party and involve stragglers. People are more open to your ideas later on, but also listen; your attention can be healing.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…Gently, steadily work at your own pace early in the month. Know you perceive interactions more sensitively than most people; they may be klutzy rather than mean. Keep the heart open but expectations minimal mid-month. Work around tough run ins with other people’s philosophies later on; instead of arguing, let them feel the results of your faith and perception.