Love like a Raging Raindrop!


Chrism-wideI stood in the crowded café and saw the storm approach. I had come to this place as a quick stop before continuing into the morning, and as I stood in front of the glass door, the first part of the cloudburst began to slant into the Earth carried by a strong wind. It flew into the world sideways, piercing everything in its path.

Everyone stared.

“Whoa, look at it go!” people murmured amongst themselves as the heavenly floodgates opened wide.

I stared out at the rain pelting everything in its path with relentless fervor. It was as if each drop had its own individual desire and need to land the gift of itself upon the earth.

The gift of itself.

I was given the parallel of the Kundalini and its way of working through and from and within an individual as a “gift of itself.” As the cascade of cloud-born love reached its seeming peak of fury, I stepped alone out into that rage of raindrops.

I was almost blown over by the wind and water as the drops stretched out wide inside of the wind like clear needles. They gave of their love with a passion unmatched! They pounded me with gale-force drive as I, with gratitude, slowly turned into their embrace.

It was an extreme embrace! And I was soaked before I even got half of the thirty yards to the vehicle. I was being drenched in love and I was in no hurry!

People stared. I didn’t care.

I felt the sting and the splat and the ardor of each individual drop as it slammed itself into and upon me. I looked into them to receive their raging kisses upon my face and I thanked the divine for such an awesome gift. This gift of love, this gift of transformation from the body of the individual drop into the stream, creek, river, and the sea. The powerful journey of the raindrop as it is transformed and enlarged and expanded exponentially until it becomes one with the sea and the sea becomes it.

Similar to my journey, I, too, am expanded and transformed by the love of the divine Kundalini. I have become the drop of Kundalini and the Kundalini has become the drop of me. Together we radiate the divine love upon all within its reach. I realize that I am guided to give and to love and to open myself and to do it with the strength and passion of a raging raindrop!

This is the natural way.

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Chrism is Kundalini Awakening Systems' spiritual teacher. He assists people worldwide in the activation and awakening of Kundalini. He has presented four Kundalini seminars in the Twin Cities in the last two years. He connects monthly via Skype or ZOOM with MN Kundalini Awakening Community. He can be reached at: Visit


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