Spirit Leaves: Keeping it Sacred


Each day I strive to maintain a connection to what is Sacred. Everything I do, everything I think, everything I say I wish to be a mirror or echo of the Higher Beings of Light. The key is in creating a clear tube through which my Guides can enter. It would seem that the task at hand is to purify, cleanse and brighten my energetic field to permit a continuously channeled existence.

Every morning, with folded hands, I thank the Grandfathers I am alive. I think that’s a subtle but important acknowledgment. Others awaken to wars, loneliness, illness or desolation. I set my feet on an Eastern carpet beside a peek-through, toasty fireplace. I am grateful, and I do not take these simple realities for granted.

I have a personal pot for sage made of red Catlinite purchased in Pipestone. I face West, the direction of wisdom and knowledge, and I pray. It is not a religion: I just talk to the Creator, to the Wanagis and Saints, Angels and Archangels, Spirit Helpers and Guides. I ask only for wisdom and knowledge rather than money and things. I learned this from The Red Feather Man, whose beautiful words ring now in my mind’s ear. He has said, from time to time, “I have never asked the Spirits for a single thing, and yet, they have blessed me with many things.” I try to live this way.

I pray for those I have named. So far on my journey, I have named nine people. I want them to do well. We learned this from the White Buffalo Boy, to pray for those you’ve named. It’s not a rule or a law, and not everyone has to do this. It’s just something we with our free will have embraced. So I pray for highest enlightenment, health, happiness and spiritual protection for those nine. Some of them do not even speak to me anymore, but I love and regard them just the same. As far as I have heard, they are doing very well.

Showering is also a conscious, spiritual pursuit. Our waters have become so polluted, so I have taken to heart Masaru Emoto’s body of work about changing the very structure of water through positive words. As I stand beneath the widening spray, I give thanks for the mni wicosa (water of life). I speak these words over the water to help it reconfigure energetically: love, peace, beauty, truth, harmony, trust — words from Drunvalo Melchizadek’s Merkaba teachings. I speak to the water, asking it to bless me with health and happiness as it washes over me. Water is an important ally in cleansing and purifying both the physical and etheric bodies.

Eating and drinking are activities I enter into consciously, as well. I offer part of my repast to the Spirits and thank them for being my friends in this lifetime. I thank all living things who gave of their bodies to nourish me. The words don’t matter: it’s the heart that counts. We just say what comes naturally. The Spirits take the essence of the food immediately. I feed them at home, in restaurants, and at times, in my car when traveling. All that’s needed is a napkin or other clean vessel when I’m on the go. At home, I keep a saged-out wooden bowl for their exclusive use.

If my schedule allows, my afternoon ritual is a nap. Sleep is restorative. I don’t feel guilty or lazy about allowing mind, body, emotions and spirit to rest completely. I usually enter into a deep astral state at this time of day. I awaken feeling almost frozen in stillness. I allow myself a good ten minutes to return to reality. Then, I’m ready to tackle reading, writing, grading papers, doing laundry or any other task that compels attention.

These are some of the simple practices I observe every day. Rather than recite a memorized prayer, I speak from the heart. That ensures a spontaneous bond of love and friendship between my Guides and me. After all, what are a few moments devoted to prayer, meditation or thoughtful reflection on the path of an infinite journey?

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Janet Michele Red Feather
Janet Michele Red Feather, J.D., M.A., is a ceremonial singer who has learned over 60 traditional songs in Mandan and Lakota and sings in nine different languages. Janet was a full-time defense litigator in California for nearly eight years. Her life changed significantly after she traveled to North Dakota in 1993 to fast and pray for a way of life. A regular columnist for The Edge, she has also appeared in Psychic Guidepost, FATE Magazine and Species Link. Her book, Song of the Wind (2014, Galde Press), dealt with her experiences as an empath, and her journey through Mandan spiritual culture. She is currently a full-time, tenured English faculty member at Normandale Community College, having taught Composition and Literature for a span of 20 years.


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