A Healthy Protein Shake

Here is my newest, tasty meal replacement creation that is high protein, with a healthy dose of the minerals potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium — and it supports good digestive bacteria with fiber and probiotics. 

Greener Pasture Protein Shake

4 organic prunes (use Paul Newman’s brand, as they are super moist)
3 tall stalks organic lacinato kale (also called Tuscan or dinosaur kale) without the stems (about 1/2 cup if you were to finely chop it, but you do not need to chop it as the blender will)
1/2 medium size organic banana, frozen and cut into slices 
1/3 cup Greek yogurt (either Siggi’s made from grass fed cows or Stonyfield organic)
1/4 cup Kefir (Helios organic Greek Pear and Honey flavor)
1 scoop of organic protein powder (28 grams) (I use whey powder but egg protein powder is another option)
1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk 



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