With you there’s an ancient familiar silence
where words need not exist
to join hearts and minds.
My soul remembers you now
and other lifetimes we’ve shared.
I see us sit shoulder to shoulder
on a lofty cliff, feet dangling over
the top of the world and we are
breathless in the pure high rare air.
There in a snow-capped mountain monastery
we lose ourselves for days and nights
and years in solitude and prayer and song.
In another life, I still hear the music
of our laughter and cries
as we exchange many stories
in the sometimes muddy fields
where we toil each day for hours
to complete the harvest.
Now in this one precious life
I ask myself is it simply for these sweet
but too brief meetings over tea…
that are really one long good-bye…
we have come together again?
Woman traveling to Tibet soon,
you are a temple gong resounding in my soul
and the heart you so quickly stole….