
Ignite Your Divine Goddess Power


Wake up and smell the estrogen, ladies and gents! The tides are turning from a society predominantly driven by autocracy, authoritarianism and scientific reasoning. We are shaking off the opposing strongholds of masculine credos and feminist doctrines, and we are waking to a duality of feminine/masculine ideology. Organizations and individuals alike (yes, boys, this is inclusive of you, too) are shifting the scales to ignite the power, strength and value of a more balanced reality.

The Divine Feminine is not dogma that pushes women (or men) to repress their feminine tendencies to find their place in a masculine world. It is a natural energy that seeks to embrace and encourage the binary of electric power with softness, grace, love and kindness. And it is not just for women. Heavens no! Men are learning to embrace — not conceal — their sweeter and more nurturing sides as well (come on, you know you’ve got it!).

Regardless of your chromosomal makeup, you can reap the benefits of embracing your internal and eternal connection to the Divine Feminine. Here are a few defining qualities to enhance and embrace now:

  • You are Sensual and Sexual — Sex. We all do it (solo-sex counts too), and most of us like it a lot. If you ask me, it is high time we shed the heavy cloak of shame and guilt and acknowledge the spiritual and emotional benefit of sensual and passionate physical connections. No more should sultry sexuality be shunned or taboo. Let’s agree to stop hiding our god and goddess bodies in shame or flaunting them for attention. Let’s confidently vocalize words like nipple, erection and masturbation without blushing. Let’s dismantle exploitation and discrimination. And let’s kiss goodbye judgment and comparison to embrace a healthy and respectful body image once and for all. Now that’s sexy!
  • You are Intra-Connected and Inter-Connected — The Divine Feminine honors connection: connection with self, connection with others, connection with nature and connection with the non-physical. This conscientious and principled cooperation opts for motivation over delegation, favors common goals over a top-down mentality and enforces compassion and justice for all. Take that walk in the park to connect with nature rather than digitally disconnect, offer a pat on the back to boost the confidence of another and, gosh darn it, don’t forget to show yourself some love, too!
  • You are Intuitive and Logical — The universe is not ruled by scientific deduction and reasoning alone. Empower yourself to give credence to the gentle voice within that connects you to universal intelligence and creativity. Learn to trust your empathic nudges, to honor your emotional responses and to act on your spontaneous impulses. But don’t think you have to forgo logic for intuition. In the same way you have two eyes to see, you have been blessed with two ways to process data, as well. The cooperation of intuition and logic will surely enhance and enrich your perception.
  • You are Nurturing and Steadfast — At some point someone likely told you it was necessary to be more rigid, goal-oriented or forceful to earn success and get what you want out of life. The Divine Feminine gently — but decidedly — disagrees. That part of you recognizes you will catch more than flies with honey. You attract more love, health, wealth and abundance by reflecting love, compassion and caring into the world rather than demands and ultimatums. When you stand up for your ideals without swords, you will find that kind and conscientious success is both sweet and swift.

Spiritual empowerment encourages us to dismantle the systems of masculine dominance and feminine frailty for a richer duality. Genders of all makes and models can boldly buck the system of masculine versus feminine to embody the sweet, supple and spunky power of the Divine Feminine within.



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