Five easy Tips to get Grounded to ease & solidify your new Vibrancy


Aloha! As the theme of this month’s issue is Holistic Food Shopping, I thought I’d add some tips for staying grounded, especially for those new to the paradigm, to ease the adjustment to the new vibration as you create your new foundation.

What does it mean to be “grounded?” Calm. Centered. Relaxed. Alert. All at the same time. Comfortable in your skin even when things seem chaotic around you. That’s grounded. It’s easy to lose our center and become ungrounded as the day, the week and the month goes on.

Here are five tips to help you regain control of your well-being:

  • Breathe deeply. As anyone who’s worked with me knows, I frequently prompt my clients to breathe during our sessions together, to increase our connection together, as well as to intensify the potency of the session. Breathe into your own Spirit. Deeply — all the way down to just past your navel. In Chinese medical theory, that point is called the “tan tien.” Aiming your breath to that point will help you get grounded.
  • Roll your shoulders. Many of us in Western society tend to carry tension between our shoulder blades. As opposed to our more naturally oriented ancestors, we spend significant time hunched over some sort of technology. It’s also a normal tendency to hunch the shoulders when feeling tense. Roll your shoulders, as though you are shrugging them, then moving them back and forth, to release the tension. That will make room for your new energy and new insights.
  • Then wiggle your toes. Go ahead — do it right now! I promise I can’t see you and you won’t look silly! Seriously, that action brings your energy down through your body and into the ground. Wiggling your toes helps you get out of your head, drop the frustration-producing thoughts, and gets your Spirit back grounded into your body. It’s also something that you can do pretty much anywhere without attracting attention that you don’t want…like marching around ringing bells during a staff meeting. You know what I’m saying here, right?
  • Massage: It’s wonderful if you have a regular massage therapist who knows your history and patterns. If you don’t, then find one — even a student massage at a nearby massage school. They often offer hour-long massages at quite reasonable rates. If neither of those options are open to you right now, then self-massage can be helpful in getting yourself grounded, especially foot massage. You don’t have to be an expert to rub your own feet. If you use lotion or some type of moisturizer, simply add more focused awareness to the motions you’re making as you apply it to yourself. The increased awareness of your body will help you get more grounded.
  • Last but not least, and most challenging: Face whatever barriers you have in your life that prevent you from getting grounded. These could be thoughts, emotions, conditions — whatever the case, face your life head on, with courage so that you can get grounded and move forward with a new level of comfort.

I wish you an enjoyable experience!

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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T. Renee Richardson, D.D.
T. Renee Richardson, D.D., is "The AmBadassador of Light!" and author of the upcoming, Fiddy Grades of Yay, a metaphysical erotica collection. She is a well-respected healer and clairvoyant with over 35 years of experience helping thousands of clients worldwide to effectively achieve their cutting-edge goals. She offers appointments via phone for your convenience, and loves providing an accessible network of support to those experiencing life transitions, such as career change, business expansion, and retirement, helping individuals build joyous, loving lives of new vibrancy. Contact her at, and visit


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