Pleiadian Ambassador Christine Day returns with new Higher Realm initiations as the Pleiadians hold open a doorway for you to enter a series of unique initiations. For the first time, you are being offered access to a transformed blueprint design carrying a form of love frequency within you, aligning you to your new destiny path.
“Higher Realms Initiations: 3 Day Pleiadian Seminar” will take place November 11-13 at Crown Plaza Hotel Aire, 3 Appletree Square, in Bloomington, Minn. The cost is $390 before October 10 ($445 afterward).
Christine Day is a leading spiritual teacher, healer, channel and author. Following a traumatic childhood in her native Australia, Christine was diagnosed with advanced Systemic Lupus at the age of 31 and given a short time to live. Shortly afterward, she experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Pleiadians, the energy of which moved her to a place of complete self-healing. Since then Christine has been presenting Pleiadian Events, Seminars and Transmissions of Light throughout the United States and internationally.
As Day tells those who will participate in the Higher Realms Initiations seminar, “Mother Mary invites you to take the sacred chalice initiation through the birthing of your blueprint design. Be received into a powerful covenant, allowing the birthing of this Blueprint. Align to your individual oracle receiving revelations, answers and Truth for a conscious reunion of your mission on the planet for this lifetime.
“Receive the Christ energy, activate a series of ‘resurrection imprints’ to support you in this deep and profound metamorphosis. Work within a multidimensional, limitless TIMELINE constructed by the Pleiadians, open into a full expression of freedom in your life. Re-access energetic tools that you need now to fulfill your mission. Link into your unlimited potential and claim the clarity, knowledge and profound understandings available to you.
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