The Journey to Trusting, Believing and Allowing: Moving beyond Intuition into Psychic Ability


Developing your psychic abilities and gifts to become more than intuition means three things: trusting, believing and allowing. It is simple, not easy, but the simplest solutions in life are never easy. This I know well; I have had to surrender to it many times.

As a child, I was highly gifted — but being told I had an overactive imagination, or that I was only experiencing coincidences, took its toll. As I matured, I was concerned I may be schizophrenic, because after all, if you hear and see that which others do not, there must be something mentally wrong.

However, at the age of 14 my first mentor found me, educated me on my gifts and changed the direction of my life. Before I was 15, she guided me to a coffee shop in Uptown, introduced me to people I had never met, and instructed me to divulge to them whatever came to my mind.

I was told to trust — the information, Spirit, and (most difficult) myself. I did, and I was shocked that the information I received was incredibly detailed and accurate for the strangers who sat across from me in that dark room. From those first readings until I was in my early twenties, I stood firm in the Trust of who I was. However, life has a funny way of testing us.

Through traumas, tragedies and frightening experiences, the trust faded, my gifts hibernated, and my true self was lost to me. I tried to live a “normal life,” ignoring that which gnawed deeply within my soul. I attempted to rationalize my experiences away as analytically and logically as I could manage, but they weren’t possible to excuse. There was too much evidence that I had skills that were…not “normal.”

A series of events in October 2015 became the catalyst to, again, send me on the path of my purpose — to use my gifts to serve others. The work began. I had a new mentor and new resources — YouTube-guided meditations and an online course to reawaken my abilities. But it was all superfluous. It was my belief in myself that had been demolished — and that is what needed to be restored. You start there.

If you want to develop your abilities, you first must believe you are capable of doing so. The belief does not come from confirmation and validation you witness through success; success comes through believing. It is having faith in yourself. What you believe becomes your reality and drives your intention.

To Trust that the information coming through is not imagination is the next barrier you need to tear down. To become vulnerable is an uncomfortable space you must become familiar with and embrace, because it is the space of sacred possibilities to manifest.

I can still feel nerves rise in me when I sit across from a client for the first time. I am subjecting myself to the possibilities of embarrassment and disappointment of that person telling me that my messages don’t resonate with them, that I am wrong. But it hasn’t happened yet. I keep that in mind as I surrender Trust and believe that I am more than capable.

Allowing the information, instead of struggling to control it, also is key. I don’t try to understand or censor the messages. I simply allow them to come through, however they desire to appear — through clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, empathy and mediumship. I know that I am a channel for the information from Spirit; that it is not mine. I am a translator and, at times, an interpreter. So I surrender and allow.

Another important thing that should be kept in mind is this: your gifts are unique. The gifts of those I mentor are different than those I possess. Simply because your gifts don’t work like those of other people does not mean you do not possess them. They will work in the way that is right for you.

Keep an open mind. Once you have opened your mind, then Trust, Allow and Believe.

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Allie Maurer
Allie Maurer is an International Spiritual Teacher who uses her abilities as a psychic, medium and healer to empower others on their own journeys. Through private sessions, spiritual mentorship, life coaching and events, she teaches clients around the globe how to embrace their path, move beyond fear and blocks, and powerfully create the vibrant life they desire. Discover why thousands of people around the world turn to her for guidance. She also adores working with animals as an animal communicator and animal healer! Contact Allie at or call 952.334.6496.


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