Do You Care about Feeling Good?


How many of you wait for that magic someday: when the stars have aligned…your to-do list is complete…when everything makes sense…when you know exactly what to do with your life…when you have transformed some more of your patterns and demons…and when everyone in your life is happy and fulfilled? So often we delay feeling good and live a lot in the past or future.

Feeling good is possible right now!

One of the gifts of this time of stillness is the realization that when I love everything that arises in my life, I have the choice to feel good right now. When I no longer need the conditions to be different or my reactions to be different, I have a lot of freedom in each moment. I have permanently given up any need to change or fix anything about myself. Each moment is joyful and if I can’t immediately find the joy, it is easy to embrace the feeling I am having and make a choice about how I want to feel.

Years ago I read the book How Much Joy Can You Stand? during one of my periods of devouring all self-help materials. I think at the time I really did want to find happiness and joy, but I thought it existed outside of me. When I had the right job, relationships, car, house, etc., then I was going to have more joy than I would know what to do with! But lasting joy never came.

Right now in my life, when I have no certainty at all, I am realizing that I have more joy than I ever thought possible. What made this shift possible? Tuning into every moment as it is and loving whatever is arising in me without conditions.

What can matter more than feeling good? If you think of yourself as a Divine being who is perfect, whole and complete, and if you realize that you are loved just because you exist, what could possibly be more important than feeling good in each moment?

It’s actually that simple. So, you can breathe deeply and stop waiting. Your perfect moment is right now, and right now, and right now.

I recently heard Sadhguru speak in Minneapolis and I was struck deeply by something he said (roughly paraphrased, of course): “We spend too much time trying to be a good person. That implies others are not as good. But, if we spend our time being a joyful person, what better gift to the world can we be?”

It is a fitting statement for this time in my personal evolution. I have made so many decisions based on what I thought was good or right. I have rarely made decisions based on what brings me joy in each moment. And when we are joyful, we are naturally more willing to connect with others, be generous, share love, shine and use our gifts in the world. Check out Sadhguru’s book, Inner Engineering, if this idea resonates with you.

Practices for feeling good
Here are a few practices I know for feeling good in each moment:

  • Celebrate everything that arises in you — every thought, emotion, impulse. If you want a structure to help you do it, it can look like this: I am so good at feeling/thinking/doing (fill in the blank)! I am so incredibly good at feeling/thinking/doing/ (fill in the blank)! I cannot believe how good I am at feeling/thinking/doing (fill in the blank)!
  • Start loving yourself exactly where you are with whatever conditions are present in your life right now.
  • Start practicing the intention of wanting to feel good in every moment.
  • Have gratitude for all that is going right in your life.

I can’t think of anything more important than feeling good right now and maintaining a high vibration all the time. That is the essence of who we are anyway — energy beings. And, might I add, we are pretty amazing, fantastical, damned good looking, and playful ones! Enjoy this Earth journey. It will be short and I want you to celebrate every minute of it.

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Theresa Nutt
Theresa Nutt is a transformational coach, author and speaker. She empowers disenchanted women to become Vibrant. Imaginative. Unforgettable. Her business is Closeted Creatives Coaching. You can reach her at [email protected],, or 949.728.8640.


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