Clearing your Emotional Body


When our soul comes into the Earth plane, we have four energy bodies: the physical body, the etheric body, mental body, and the emotional body. The emotional body is the feeling world. It is the body in which the other bodies are enfolded and its correct service is to nourish Divine ideas with positive feelings.

This emotional body holds all feelings and patterns — negative or positive — for this lifetime and past lifetimes at a vibrational, cellular level. Our feelings are an indicator of where our vibration is: high or low, negative or positive.

What we are manifesting in our lives is a direct reflection of the patterns of our thoughts, words and actions — and where our vibration is at any given moment.

When we begin to realize that things need to change in our lives, growth needs to happen, or there is a calling from the soul to move on the spiritual path, then willingness, awareness, and choice set in. We become willing to look at what needs to change, aware of what it is that needs to change and able to make a choice of what to do — stay the same or change it.

To change a pattern, thought or feeling into a different vibration, we need to understand that the energies of these patterns, thoughts or feelings are in a vibrational orbit. That is why they keep reoccurring. It is a stuck pattern, thought or feeling. They actually cause physical grooves in the brain. So how do we get these patterns, thoughts and feelings to move out of the old orbit and move into a new one enabling us to grow and manifest a new reality?

If any of us has had an addiction of any kind, we know that just thinking or telling yourself that you are not going to do that anymore or that you should not do it anymore doesn’t work. We have to move the energy of it in order for it to be replaced with the new. We have to create a void and then fill the void with the new energy or positive pattern.

Through prayer, meditation, purifications, forgiveness and affirmations, we can move the destructive patterns, thought forms and feelings out of our emotional body and connect with our Divine Self — and then grow into the Spiritual Being that we are meant to be.

We pray and ask for the guidance as to what needs to change

We meditate and listen to the guidance and the direction on how to change. Group meditation gives a better result because it is more powerful.

We purify by doing healing — spiritual counseling — offering up weakness through rituals — drumming, burning bowl, smudging, chanting and sound moving — and cleaning the energy out of our emotional bodies.

We do forgiveness, making a list of all the people, places and situations that we feel have harmed us and a list of all we have harmed. Then we use a forgiveness technique for 21 days. The first person on our list is ourselves. We need to forgive ourselves for all of the mistaken beliefs we have about ourselves, who we are and anything we have done.

We have created a void.

We affirm by using positive affirmations to reset the vibrational orbit of the old patterns, thought forms and actions. Now you know you are not your body, thoughts or emotions. You are your soul.

I am that I am.

I am love.

When we clear out our emotional body of the old patterns, thought forms and actions, it is like clearing the mud off the windshield. Divine light and love can come in, and our Divine light and love shine through. We become All That We Are. We are one.

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Nancy Robinson
Nancy Robinson is a Psychic/Medium and Pranic Healer. She has studied Edgar Casey teachings, Morris Pratt Institute for Pastoral Certification, studied with Rev. B. Anne Gehman in her Spiritualist Church, and she has studied all the Advanced Pranic Healing Classes and practices Arhatic Yoga. She has a center called Spiritual Paths in Minnetonka were she does Readings, Healing, Meditation, Classes, Workshops and Past Life Regressions. Visit Contact Nancy at or call 703.589.5047.


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