What is light? This question is important to anyone dedicated to the soul and its fuller expression.
In most spiritual traditions, light is a term used to depict the nature of divinity, both within ourselves and within Creation as a whole. For example, we often find ourselves describing divinity using the phrase the “light of God.” Given this, it is important that we more profoundly consider light as it pertains to the spiritual dimension of life. By so doing, we can begin to better recognize its radiance within the fabric of our individual lives.
When pondering the nature of light, it is important to see it as a radiation having the power to reveal. Indeed, the expression to “shed light” on an issue infers that we have gained a deeper understanding of something. Though this idea is usually applied to the ordinary aspects of life, it is a principle that has relevance to spiritual light, as well.
A key concept to consider is that light is known by what it reveals. For example, when visible light strikes an object, we recognize it as it reflectively reveals the object. By comparison, when we consider spiritual light, the same principle also holds true. It too reveals, in that it conveys light not directly seen. For example, things such as the light of wisdom, the light of love, the light of idealism, and the light of beauty all bear witness to the revelatory nature of spiritual light. These are just a few of the many forms of light related to the soul and its power to shed light within our minds and hearts.
In various spiritual circles, the term “enlightenment” is often used. Generally speaking, it is a word depicting a state of liberated consciousness. This definition is certainly valid. Yet, it also is useful to view enlightenment as a gradational recognition of the light within oneself. When viewed in this way, enlightenment is best understood as incremental. It is a measure of one’s capacity to identify with the light of the soul. This always entails the purification of the mind, emotions and physical appetites so that the soul’s light can shine through the personality with less and less encumbrance. It is to “lighten” the darkened areas of the lower-self and, by so doing, shine the soul’s light through it with increased brilliance.
Broadly considered, at the core of all things is found divine light. This is true whether we consider a human being, a plant, an animal or even a social system. As we awaken to the light of the soul within ourselves, there will always arise an urge to serve. This is the light of service beginning to crest upon the shores of awareness. However, to be effective in service entails that we also sense spiritual light within those we seek to uplift. Seeing this requires the third eye (eye of vision) to be at least partially open, for it has the capacity to see the light hidden within all forms and circumstances.
Spiritual light reveals the Oneness underlying the diversity of outer forms, and confirms that God is present in all that is. Needless to say, to sense this light can be difficult. This is because the form (mental, emotional or physical) encasing this light tends to obscure our ability to see it. Yet, when we begin to recognize the light of our own soul, the capacity to sense the hidden light within the outer world likewise increases.
In truth, the purpose of soulful living is to sense the spiritual light veiled by form, then to outwardly respond to it as an act of service. When rightly done, the light of God becomes more evident within the outer world. To see and reveal light within dark places is to uncover the divine where it was falsely believed to be absent. The byproduct of this is that we become increasingly light-filled in the process.
Such is the nature of spiritual light and the urge to serve that arises from it.