Fire and ice — throughout March, melting snow creates sloppy conditions and a changing, moody world can leave us on uncertain footing. As the month begins, clear priorities can help us stay on track, and a deep connection with spirit helps us walk through the confusing fog as both the sun and Mercury conjunct intuitive, confusing Neptune. The two emotional planets, Venus and Mars in fiery Aries, keep the heat turned up and old emotional ice melts along with the winter snow. Our feelings react intensely, but this heat can blast us out of inertia and into our personal evolution.
Venus retrogrades March 4-April 15, sending us back inside to reevaluate the real worth of our relationships, people, values and things. Old emotional tapes from the past plug in all too easily, but give us a chance to both find missing golden gems and work unfinished karma. If peacemaking efforts feel temporarily thwarted, let’s review what happened, and see what needs to be healed.
Mars enters stabilizing, stubborn Taurus on March 9, and helps us find more pragmatic, less-inflamed solutions. Mercury squares Saturn March 12, encouraging us to think rigorously. Mercury enters Aries on March 13 and sparks our thinking and sharpens our commentary. Spring begins as the sun enters Aries March 20.
Aries (Mar. 21-Apr. 19)…Your possibilities overflow as long as you stay centered. Remember your goals, hold them firmly, channel emotional flares in their directions (without pushing others), and watch the magic happen. Engage productivity March 4-5 and March 20. Shine for the sake of all sentient beings.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)…This can be an uncomfortable, but productive, month; the world feels unsettled, your skills may be under-appreciated until after Mars enters Taurus March 9. Offer stabilizing comments and help ground others’ flyaway emotions March 18, and use discontent to prepare for the tide to turn your way next month.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)…Your career is filled with both opportunity and uncertainty as decision-makers feel both urgent and confused. Don’t try to adapt to make them happy; you know what’s needed, translate that to those who need the info. Your friends may need help; be present and learn vicariously without the bumps and scrapes.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)…What are you learning? Every day is an education this month. Notice where you are being stretched, where you are being asked to trust, and where you need to see through bravado to the problem underneath. Work builds momentum after the spring equinox.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)…Keep it clean around other people’s stories, problems and resources to avoid misunderstandings. Reach out beyond local borders, broadcast your positive intentions to plant potent seeds for future growth. Confusion at the beginning of the month clears to support you mid-month.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)…Relationships need subtle attention, work needs follow through. Take care of yourself even as you tend overwhelmed people around you. Your intuition is strong the first week of March. Some project needs your focus and concentration March 8-9. Take an opportunity to be seen and appreciated March 18.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)…Focus on your health and daily routines this month even as the surrounding world activates. How you do what you do – matters. Protect yourself when tempers flare around, and bear witness to the idea that to know peace, one needs to know justice. Speak up March 18, feel appreciated around March 25.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)…If you experience frustrating mixed messages in relationships, don’t play your cards close to the chest; instead, gently be honest about what you feel, love or mind. Pour excess emotions into creative process, and ground yourself in pragmatic daily work. Inspiration opportunities support you around March 27.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)…Clear up communication with family members; you need to listen first, whether or not you agree. If they need to vent, stand next to them rather than take the brunt. Changes abound early in March; if you feel more opposition towards the end of the month, take a creative approach.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan.19)…Your intuition and perception are strong, but people around you may not understand your point. Don’t take the bait for a fight; stay on target. Gentle leadership and pragmatic solutions can diffuse unusually emotional situations mid-month. Your point comes across loud and clear after the vernal equinox.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)…Sometimes you may feel above all the material world, but this attitude creates problems and misses opportunities. Stay grounded and deal with one challenge at a time. Care that you put into your community can return to you in spades after the spring equinox.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20)…If life brings a gentle identity crisis, explore new possibilities. People could project their hopes and fears upon you as the month begins; don’t get caught up in it, instead look within for your truth and let it shine. Mid-month, be generous but not wasteful with money, time and resources.