You Are Worthy


You are worthy. Do you doubt it? Do old memories cling like cobwebs to the corners of your mind? Do the powerless times of childhood shine just as vibrantly as adult successes?

It seems that something in us holds us back. We read every bestseller, we practice every New Age ritual, we repeat empowering affirmations and, still, one shoe seems nailed to the floor. We read our diaries from years past and we see the same conflicts played out in different settings with different faces. Are our inner world conflicts unresolvable?

Yes and no.

Our inner worlds lay the foundation for our outer world experiences. Frustrating outer world experiences point to inner world distortions. That is always where we need to look — inside. An unkind remark from an acquaintance ruffles our feathers. We want to shout, “You can’t treat me that way! It’s not fair.” But, instead, we look inside and notice how we have landed in some very familiar dynamics. We recognize the discomfort and the pain of our powerless Child. What we have usually done when facing these feelings is to react.

If we choose to do something different now, we may identify with the very best and highest part of ourselves. Maybe that’s our Hero or our Spiritual Warrior or our Compassionate Caregiver or our Wise Woman. This part may seem more conceptual than actualized initially. When we choose the new instead of the familiar, we choose to practice a different vibration. Maybe this new vibration is only one-tenth of 1 percent of who we are, but still it already exists in us. We want to nurture it and allow it to grow.

It may feel like putting on a costume at first. We imagine ourselves as Hero in our daily life. We see how it feels to be Hero. We notice choice points and we make a new choice. We imagine feeling confident and we stand straighter and make direct eye contact. We carry ourselves as the Hero we know ourselves to be, even if it’s just for a few moments. Then we notice when we move out of Hero and assume our “normal” low-level depression.

We notice the different vibrational frequencies between Hero and Frustrated Artist or Powerless Person or Passive-Aggressive Employee. We notice how the world looks to us when we are in Hero and how it looks otherwise. We notice how we look to ourselves when we are in Hero and when we are not. We notice how long we can maintain our Hero stance before old disempowering beliefs cloud our thinking. (“You know you can’t do that. You’re just a quitter.”) And that’s when we truly own our Hero vibration — when we identify the thoughts that pull us away from it.

Choosing to live from our Hero requires courage. It’s easy (if not pleasant) to maintain our well-practiced low-level depression. That old shoe fits. We know how to live life depressed and frustrated. Even wanting to grab the ring and proclaim, “I want more!” scares us. We can’t feel both comfortable and empowered. But by the time we consider that question, we can’t allow ourselves to resist empowerment.

Choosing empowerment propels us to a new level where we live from our Hero. The past disappears and the future opens. We walk into our highest and best possibility when we practice our Hero vibration consciously. We’re on guard to recognize the old creeping un-empowered vibration which is always ready to pull us backwards. And, over and over, we choose to stay in the present moment, aware and available. We don’t want to be anywhere other than right here right now in our Hero.

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Ruth Cherry, Ph.D.
Ruth Cherry, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist in private practice in San Luis Obispo, CA. Her specialty is integrating psychological and spiritual dynamics. Her latest books are Open Your Heart, Accepting Unconditional Love, and Living in the Flow: Practicing Vibrational Alignment. Visit


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