Infinitely Pi


At first glance
it appears to move
in one direction:

and on and on and on…
approximate infinity.

Oh! The magic of dancing a round around,
measuring out the great circles/cycles…
and on and on…

forever in one direction.


I believe Pi starts in the middle
of a math miracle
even larger so,
like campfire confessions,
or a birth,

pi resonating her digits
through the dark
to a horizonless beginning,

a spider silk,
tight stardust thread/light
reaching both ways
through the universe,

kind of like


and on and on…

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Kevin Zepper
Kevin Zepper teaches at Minnesota State University Moorhead. He has published four chapbooks of poetry. Presently, he is one half of a poetry/music performing duo, Lines&Notes. Several of his poems can be heard on the Northern Community Radio website under the program heading “The Beat.”


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