Internationally renowned animal consultant, teacher and bestselling author Linda Tellington-Jones will lead a four-hour interactive workshop 2-6 p.m. Saturday, May 20, in the dining room of the Carondolet Center, 1890 Randolph Ave., St. Paul. The workshop titled “Heal Your Pet – Heal Yourself” is sponsored by the Theosophical Society as part of its series of workshops and lectures in ancient wisdom and ancient mysteries.
Reservations will be at the door on the day of the event: $35 for adults. $30 for students or seniors and members, and $55 for couples or families. Refreshments will be provided.
Linda will discuss her own spiritual journey at the Saturday workshop and teach the essential three TTouches to work with your ears, mouth and heart (for pain release, PTSD, neurological and developmental concerns, military vets, and natural disaster relief workers).
The workshop is an overview for the Tellington Method for Self-Care, which you can learn in more depth if you choose to attend the additional three-day workshop. Saturday participants may attend the three-day training at the Carondolet Center with a 15 percent discount.
The pioneering work of Linda Tellington-Jones, Ph.D. (hon), has its roots in a philosophy that sees all beings — humans and animals alike — as reflections of a divine whole.
The Tellington Method was first created four decades ago as a system of animal training, healing and communication that allows people to relate to animals in a deeper, more compassionate way — a way that furthers inter-species connection and honors the body, mind and spirit of both animals and their people.
Linda also has brought TTouch into the world of humans, teaching weekend and week-long workshops during the past 30 years with programs for individuals and their family members, as well as health-care professionals. The Sante Fe resident refers to that as self-care.
The Tellington Method utilizes a variety of techniques of touch, movement and body language to affect behavior, performance, and health, and to increase an animal’s willingness and ability to learn in a painless and anxiety-free environment.
Linda’s highly effective and revolutionary approach to working with animals brought her world-wide recognition, and it was out of this success that Tellington TTouch for humans has arisen, emerging as an important addition to the increasingly respected world of alternative healing practices.
As an internationally acclaimed authority on animal behavior, training and healing, Linda has given presentations and demonstrations of the Tellington Method at veterinary conferences, universities, equestrian expositions, North American Handicapped Riding Association and the Delta Society world conferences, therapeutic riding associations, Olympic training centers, wildlife rehabilitation conferences, and zoos throughout the world.
She is a visiting faculty member at the University of Minnesota where she has co-taught Tellington TTouch for humans annually since 2002. The Tellington TTouch was included in the research program at the University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing.
Through her non-profit organization, Animal Ambassadors, Inc.®, she supports projects of children working with animals to enhance understanding, compassion and quality of life for both humans and animals.
Linda has written 21 books about TTouch and TTEAM, which have been printed in twelve languages. She also has produced 18 videos that relate to horses, dogs, cats, and llamas.
Linda and her work have been featured many times for more than 35 years in prime time television in North America, Europe, United Kingdom and Australia.
The method for horses, first developed in the 1970s, is known as TTEAM (Tellington TTouch Equine Awareness Method). In the 1980s, Tellington TTouch broadened to include the world of companion animals, developing techniques that deepen mutual trust and understanding and strengthen the human/animal bond. During this period, the work was also introduced as an effective and valuable method to reduce stress in wildlife rehabilitation and to enhance the well-being of animals in zoos.
Today there are more than 2,000 practitioners of the Tellington Method in 29 countries and Tellington Method Centers in Canada, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South Africa, the UK and the US.
Her many popular books include The Tellington TTouch, Getting in TTouch, and The Tellington-Jones Equine Awareness Method.