Past Life Regression: An Effective Tool to Expand Consciousness


How can you effortlessly get to a level of awareness that makes your everyday waking consciousness, the one you’re at right now as you read this, feel like you are asleep? You may want to explore taking a trip deep within your own multi-dimensional self.

Past life regression offers a systematic way to do this, thus enabling you to experience what it’s like to live from a higher level of consciousness. Let me share several reasons why it is an effective technique.

First, during the step-by-step method of the regression process itself, one’s continual stream of mind chatter becomes increasingly quiet, revealing the pure presence that lies beneath it. This awareness forms the backdrop to the logical, analytical mind.

Secondly, images of another life will begin to appear independent of the conscious mind. In fact, these impressions cannot appear if you are in “thinking mode,” only when you are anchored in the present moment, or in “feeling mode.”

This reveals a third aspect to past life regression: At this point in the process, you have set aside the body/mind identity of your present self and now take on a different body/mind personality. Regardless of whether these images are interpreted as a historical past life or a symbolic metaphor, the past life story that comes through you is from your higher mind, and it is precisely designed to help you move forward, heal and grow in some way.

The reason for this can be best summed up by the words of one of my client’s guides: “Just as the body’s instinct is to breathe, the soul’s instinct is to evolve.” Past life regression often shines a spotlight on any unconscious thoughts, emotional patterns or beliefs that unknowingly hold you back in life, and then allows you to experience what it will be like to be completely free of any programming or conditioning that limits you. It may also show you the source of a physical, mental or emotional ailment so you can release it from your body/mind system. Ultimately, it reveals to you what you most need in order to thrive in this life.

Here are some case examples: A client’s chronic migraine headaches disappeared after discovering and healing the source of them from a past life when she experienced the early years of electric shock therapy. Another client felt a huge weight of unresolved grief and sadness lift after discovering and healing a past life where she committed suicide. She had carried over the heavy feelings and beliefs of hopelessness that she died with over to this life, and it explained why her twin sister in this life had none of these same feelings.

Another woman came to a session feeling stuck and anxious around new relationships. Rather than seeing a challenging life, she saw herself as a servant who lived completely from her heart. She had such a strong, conscious connection to “God” in that life that even an abusive employer was humbled and shifted by her loving presence. She merged the energies of the past life with her present one and she later revealed that she was able to maintain a stronger awareness of her connection to Source and, thus, a higher level of consciousness after the session, with greatly diminished anxiety.

Past life regressions ultimately enable you to tune into your soul self. After the past life is over, clients are guided to move up into a higher dimension in which they “disidentify” from both their past and present lives, and view these lives from the expanded awareness of their higher self, free of all ego identifications. When ego identification is seen through and set aside, a natural love-based clarity and wisdom reveals itself to be who and what you really are.

One of my favorite quotes of Paramahansa Yogananda is, “When you heal yourself, you do your part in healing the world.” I’m beginning to really understand what he means. We, as humans, are interconnected like a gigantic tapestry. As our consciousness raises, our unresolved past may surface for the purpose of being healed. When we heal, we are no longer negatively triggered by others outside of us, and they, in turn, are no longer triggered by us. The ripple effect that emanates from us is harmonious and love-based, and that impacts those around us far more than we could ever know.

We have so much more of an effect on this world that we are aware of. So here’s to raising our consciousness!


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Eric J. Christopher
Eric J. Christopher has a master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, and is a certified hypnotherapist. His life passion has been to spiritually awaken and help clients do the same by guiding them to connect to their inner wisdom and higher self that can uncover and heal the roots of limiting fears and beliefs. He specializes in past-life regression therapy, life-between-lives therapy, and also present-life deep emotional healing of the body and subconscious mind. He has a private practice in St. Paul. To learn more, visit


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