Techniques to Release, Overcome and Transform Negative Emotions: Part 2


Second of a four-part series

To stop and control Self, follow these steps:

  • Observe yourself having the emotion. Just become aware and watch yourself in the process. This defuses it and frees you from an emotional strangle-hold and escalation. It takes will and strong desire to do this and becomes easier with practice.
  • Choose an image, a personal symbol, to place in your mind to stop self as soon as you recognize a negative emotion happening. For example, a stop sign, 10 deep breaths, a Danger sign or whatever means ‘stop” to you.
  • Consciously lift and move your energy from your solar plexus (stomach) area to your heart. The emotional charge is in the stomach and when you relocate your focus to the heart, you calm down and can see what is best. You’ll become harmless to yourself and others as your center of love is activated and replaces the negative feeling. A better decision can then be made.

Release the Emotion (a present feeling or one from the past) by doing this:

  • Stomp, pound a pillow, yell, run, cry; release the emotion from the body.
  • Image a shower of light pouring down on you and washing the painful emotion away.
  • Pull the plug on the emotion. Image it as a color going down a drain.
  • Journal, write your feelings down.
  • Art Therapy. Do a simple technique that releases the emotion by taking a sheet of paper and using crayons, markers or pastels to draw/scribble your feelings on the paper. Get them out on the paper; release them. Turn the paper and see this situation differently. Now, draw. A new perspective can harmonize the emotion you’re releasing.
  • We release emotions with intention to be rid of them, not to fuel the fire for more. Be sure to release with the desire to be free of them.

Transforming Emotions
Transforming negative emotions involves these steps:

  • Change your energy field. Close your eyes and imagine the emotion as energy around you. What does it look like, what color, shape, form etc. does it take? Now allow it to change and smooth out, becoming transformed, harmonized, peaceful. What does it look and feel like now?
  • Change your perspective on the situation. Reframe it in a way that’s positive/productive for you. Ask yourself, how this situation can help you. What is good about it? How are you growing from it? A positive attitude about something can help resolve it for you, even if it’s a difficult situation. A new mindset can change everything.
  • Ask self what the lesson you are learning from this situation is. Knowing the lesson helps transform the negative feeling and take on the mastery of the lesson you are in the process of learning.
  • Put a new and positive picture in your mind about the situation that is causing the hurtful emotion. Instead of dwelling on the painful scenario or the trauma incident or being yelled at or treated disrespectfully, replace it with one of yourself healed, happy, successful, determined to move on etc. Whatever feels great and counters the old feeling. Keep the new picture in place whenever the old feeling comes up. The mind and body respond quickly to pictures, so this will shift you fast.
  • Inner Listening. Get very quiet and go into the silence within. Allow your inner guide to bring you new insights, wisdom and solutions for healing and transformation.
  • Forgiveness means letting go. It doesn’t condone bad behavior, but lets the pain go. You and others have the right to make mistakes and grow. Forgive self if needed and forgive others. This doesn’t mean that you will choose to stay connected with anyone who harms you. It means you let go of the painful movie, get the lesson and move forward. You stop the images and negative emotions from their endless control over you. Restore your self -esteem if you’ve acted poorly and wish the other person well if they have. To clean yourself completely, do a systematic of forgiveness for everyone in your life. You will be rejuvenated. Forgive; let go and say goodbye to these emotions.
  • Change a gripe to a goal. If you regularly complain and feel negatively about something or someone, set a goal for yourself and be determined to accomplish it. For example, if you are jealous of someone who has a degree in art; stop it and find a way to get one for yourself. If you are short of money and angry at others who have it, stop it and chart your path, make a plan to increase your income. Things happen first in the mind, so begin to visualize yourself having what you want already now. Feel the joy of it and for 5 minutes several times a day, sit quietly and feel the emotions you would have if it were yours now. Soon you begin to believe you have it. In the Biology of belief, Bruce Lipton offers scientific proof that we get what we believe.
  • Thoughts and emotions are intimately connected in fact, inseparable. One leads to the other. What repetitive thoughts do you have that are hurting you? Are you taking charge of your negative thoughts and transforming them? Think the opposite of your negative thought as soon as you catch yourself having it. Correct yourself on a daily basis; over and over. Repetition of the new corrected thought forges a new brain pathway and pattern. Strong intention and follow through is necessary. Don’t let your mind wander all day without direction or self-monitoring. You can change your mind at any moment into a more positive state. Letting your thoughts run wild will take away your peace. Take charge of yourself and choose thoughts that will help you.
  • What belief about yourself do you want to change? Finances, relationships, self-concept, accomplishment of a specific goal; health, personal qualities etc. Beliefs that limit and cause pain keep your emotions at a painful level, and only you can change that.

Taking Positive Steps
How do you take positive, new action? Follow these steps:

  • Set clear boundaries. You decide what you will and won’t accept from people and act on it.
  • Communicate assertively with others. Tell them how you feel without blame or judgment; just how you feel. Stand up for self if needed.
  • Be creative. Create something positive from your experience. For example, women who have been abused have set up women’s shelters around the country. People who grew up hungry have started programs to feed poor children.

All of these techniques work. Practice and practice and you will see yourself and your life become fulfilled and beautiful. Be very patient with yourself, as this is hard work and takes a lot of self -control, intention and discipline. It’s a progressive unfolding of the highest part of self. Over time we blossom!

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Carole Cravath
Carole Cravath, B.A., has over 30 years of experience in the fields of counseling, teaching adults and children, cultural diversity, creating programs for compassion and empathy, as well as peace-making skills for kids. She currently teaches The Perceptive Awareness Technique, which brings rapid unfoldment of Intuition, our Higher Awareness, for excellent decision making in any situation. She also teaches Soma Pi Healing workshops. Soma Pi is a powerful healing for emotional and physical concerns and its success is well documented. Visit Contact Carole at [email protected].


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