Blessed with Grace through The Edge

Around 1995 my mate, Jerry Buckanaga, and I did presentations at the University of Minnesota on alternative healing. He shared the power of Native American healing ceremonies and the medicine wheel. I spoke about Healing Touch and energywork. In this class we launched our new business, Winds of Change, Center for Transformational Healing, in Minneapolis. The very next morning I received a call from an advertising executive from The Edge, Della McGee. As we had just decided to do this, I was shocked and mystified as to how she had heard. Synchronistically, Melissa May, The Edge magazine’s graphic designer, had been at the class we presented the day before and had given Della our information.

I bonded with Della just from the sound of her voice! We became fast friends, evolving our psychic abilities and understanding of metaphysics together and expanding on our healing work. She was a highly esteemed mentor for me as well as a dear friend.

Through her friendship and in doing business with The Edge, I met Gary and Insiah Beckman, Tim Miejan and his wife Rachel, and Melissa May. Such a wonderful, heart-centered group of evolved people! One of my most exciting memories was visiting them all at a Whole Life Expo. It was at this event where I met Gregg Braden. In 1998, a year after Jerry died, I attended a three-week Sacred Sites Tour to Tibet led by Gregg Braden. It was a powerful initiation for me to rejoin life. Upon my return I had a layover in Denver, and that inspired me to reach out to my former high school sweetheart who lived there. As a result of this we reunited (after 20 years!) and I relocated to Colorado two months later!

My favorite cover of The Edge was a painting by Willow Arlena. I loved it so much that I saved it, and when I moved to Colorado I posted it on the refrigerator in my studio. Willow lives in Colorado and I was eventually blessed with the opportunity to meet her. She is a lovely and powerful Lightworker and gifted artist, and I was amazed by how accessible she is.

I feel blessed and aligned with Grace for how my life has unfolded as a result of my involvement with The Edge and the amazing people that breathed life into it; making alternative healing and cutting edge thought and technologies available to the masses. This publication continues to bring Sacred Mysteries to Light, sharing critically important information, raising the vibration and expanding the consciousness of the planet. Uniting practitioners and clients, validating countless people in their knowingness and providing a platform for people to access this important information, I applaud their fearlessness and continued efforts to bring forth the most cutting edge information available. They have had a huge impact on legitimatizing alternative and complementary therapies, and higher consciousness. I am hoping my connection with them plays a role in another landmark opportunity in my life as I have advertised for a housemate in their online banners! Much love and appreciation to you all!

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Maureen Keefe of Intuition Matters is an Awakening Activator, a Higher Consciousness Catalyst and an Ascension Coach, assisting you in taking your life to the next level. As a Visionary Business Coach, she can tap into what is possible to brainstorm with you ways to infuse new life and appeal into your business and products. Recorded phone or Zoom sessions available. Women, consider an immersion retreat. Maureen lives in the heart of the Colorado Rocky Mountains overlooking a Sacred river valley. She is a fabulous health-oriented cook and adept transformational specialist. Guaranteed to be one of your top personal growth experiences and getaways. "Life is meant to be a joyful Journey, Get Intuit!" Contact Maureen at or 970.724.0447.



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