Food First: Simple, Cool Treats for the Summertime Heat


Looking for some cool treats as the summer heats up? Look no further than these two simple recipes that are easy for anyone to make! The Cherry Vanilla Sorbet is a fruity, non-dairy treat and the Nutty Banana Bites are great to have on hand when you just want a little bite of something sweet to eat.

Bananas have a number of great health benefits! High in potassium and low in salt, bananas are officially recognized by the FDA as being able to lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack and stroke. They are high in iron and help strengthen blood and alleviate anemia. They aid in digestion, help protect against muscle cramps and help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin — the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter. Here are a couple easy sweet treats made with frozen bananas!

3 frozen and peeled bananas
1 cup fresh or frozen sweet cherries, thawed
1/2 tsp vanilla extract or vanilla powder
1/4 cup unsweetened almond or coconut milk

Put all ingredients in blender. Blend low and then switch to high, pushing ingredients down if necessary. Blend 30-50 seconds to keep sorbet texture. Do not overmix as it will liquefy and melt. Scoop into individual ramekins and garnish with fresh fruit, nuts or chocolate shavings. Serves 4. Have fun making different flavors by using a variety of berries. This is a wonderful, non-dairy alternative to ease those ice cream cravings!

2 bananas, peeled, sliced and frozen
Favorite nut butter
Dark Chocolate chips

Peel the bananas, slice and freeze in a single layer on a sheet tray. Once frozen, spoon a small bit of your favorite nut butter on each slice, and push in a small dark chocolate chip. Put back in the freezer, in a single layer, and grab one whenever you are craving a quick, sweet, cool treat!

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Nutrition Julie
Nutrition Julie is a Certified Holistic Health Coach and Raw Food Nutrition Educator who is passionate about Nutrition, Health and Wellness. Julie believes that real, whole, nutritious foods are a powerful tool in living a healthy, conscious, disease-free life and works to educate, inspire and empower the people she works with through her step-by-step Food First System. For more information, visit


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