The Power of Trust


The greatest threat to our spiritual quest is doubt and fear, yet it affects us all. Trust is a powerful emotion and it can be life-changing when we truly trust our Higher Power’s plan, as well as the path we are on. One cannot exist without the other. If one trusts your Higher Power’s plan, one trusts that all is as it should be.

Each of us is as unique as a snowflake. We all have our own unique path. With faith, we know that everything that comes along on our spiritual journey is meant to be and is part of a higher plan. There is no room for fear. Falling into fear is a sure way to limit our sense of joy and purpose on our path. It is also a way to lose one’s way or footing on one’s divine path. It can easily stop one from walking further.

On our path, we must let go of control of how we think our reality should be. Trusting this helps us to fulfill our ultimate personal mission, growth. This means trusting that all the pain and hardships were for our higher good and wisdom. The pain has challenged us as human beings and helped us to grow. It has taught our soul important lessons designed just for us.

In order to undergo the long journey of life, one must have strength to bare the harsh winds when they come. And they will. However, if we trust our own strength, life gets easier. If we start to view the hardships of life as challenges that make us stronger, there is a lot less suffering. Life shouldn’t be easy, at least not a worthwhile one. If it was, what would we be able to say you have spiritually achieved? How could we undergo spiritual transformation?

If we still have an open heart after all the dark days that we have experienced, then we have something to be proud of. We are earning that heart, and ultimately the transcendent feeling of the all-powerful love that we wish to experience.

It is also helpful to trust ourselves. Ultimately, we are the one walking our own path. If we trust the beauty of our soul, we are doing something right. To see the beauty within oneself is an empowering and honest way to live. Focusing on the good within us will make us grow. What we focus on, we give power to. Let’s try to focus on the light within us and around us and that light will grow. Trusting our inner good and beauty will help bring us more inner peace. Trust builds peace. We can be aware of your flaws or shadow self or darkness, and work on it, without fixating on it.

Yes, there is darkness in this world and maybe even some within us, but it is only a shadow of the light. Darkness is the absence of light; it is not as real as the light. Fully trust that the force of good is more powerful than the force of evil and our anxieties will dissipate. Remember, “if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you.” So let’s look at the light and focus on all the beauty and good in our spiritual journeys.

We can trust the journey, trust the creator of the journey, and trust ourselves. We will be set free.

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Samantha LaRosa
Samantha LaRosa is a singer-songwriter, poet and yoga teacher in Long Island, New York. She has performed her music in NYC and Brooklyn. She is currently earning her masters in social work and is working on her first novel.


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