
Five Tips for Staying Centered During Life’s Ups and Downs


“You never know what life is going to bring. Who would have ever thought that being pregnant at 23 could be such a blessing, and facilitate spiritual awakening and healing. I’m not losing anything. I am everything.” My client, Iris, gets it — and this awareness helps her stay centered and grounded during this new adventure in her life. She can see beyond her circumstances to the spiritual truth underlying them. The Divine is present and in charge.

The following are five tips for staying centered during life’s ups and downs:

1. Know the Divine is always present and in charge. It’s not that there aren’t challenges with being 23, single and pregnant. There are plenty of challenges. But those challenges come with opportunities. Every situation brings with it the opportunity to heal. Challenges are gifts from the Creator who loves you and wants the best for you. Instead of characterizing your circumstances as stressful, try thinking of them as gifts from the Divine meant for your healing.

Challenges don’t necessarily have to be stressful. In and of themselves, they’re just challenges; something to respond to. You can see them as stressful. Or you can see them as opportunities to learn and grow. It’s all about your perspective.

It’s not your job to try and be in charge and fix things. It’s not your job to try and control the situation. Your job is to be you: the spiritual, loving being the Creator made you to be. In every situation, the most powerful and grounded thing you can do is to be your true Self and look for the light of the Divine.

2. Be you. Iris knows who she is and what matters most. She understands that the Divine is always present. Iris can relax, knowing that she’s not in charge. She might not fully understand what is happening. Like everyone, Iris is blind to the big picture. But all things work together for good. Whatever is happening is happening for a reason. Even when things look bad — when you can’t see any good in a situation — it is there. Under the surface, the loving hand of the Divine is always at work.

When life is hard, when things appear unmanageable and overwhelming, stop. Literally stop. Stop moving, doing, and thinking about things. Take a few minutes to sit and breathe. Breathe deeply and rhythmically as if breathing is your only purpose in life. Focus on your breathing — the rise and fall of your chest — and you’ll start to relax. As you do, remind your Self that the Creator has a bigger plan for you than you can ever imagine. The Creator made you to be you. Being you is your life’s purpose. No matter what is happening, if you can be you, you will be successful.

3. Breathe deeply and relax. Once you’re calm and relaxed, something almost magical will happen. Solutions will come to you. The Creator blessed you with great wisdom and understanding. It’s part of who you are. In every challenging situation, there is also a perfect response. But to find it and know what it is, you must connect with your inner spirit, the voice of your true Self. That is where the wisdom dwells. It’s not in your ego or thinking mind. That’s where the stress comes from. Trying to think your way out of life’s most difficult and challenging circumstances will only lead to more trouble, bigger mistakes, and debilitating stress.

4. Trust your inner voice or true Self. I’m reminded of the serenity prayer, which is so simple, yet so powerful: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Where does the serenity come from? It comes from the Divine. Where does the wisdom come from? It, too, comes from the Divine. No matter what is happening, turn it over to the Divine. Instead of trying to bend things to your will, allow the will of the Creator to be the guiding force. You can stay calm and relaxed, grounded, and centered in the wisdom that the Divine is in charge, not you.

5. Utilize the power of prayer. When life is challenging and everything seems overwhelming; more than you can handle, stop. Breathe deeply; listen to your inner wisdom and turn your troubles over to a power greater and wiser than you. You can relax and let go, knowing that you don’t need to figure it all out. Answers will come. Solutions will appear. The Divine always has your back.



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