It’s very easy right now to be depressed, disillusioned and angry — and to focus on all the things that appear wrong and bad. It’s easy to succumb to the never-ending negative conversations, social media posts, and news. But if all we contemplate are what we fear or dislike, then our lives become out of balance. We may feel as though we are walking on the edge of a razor, each step cutting us more deeply. Personally, I spent many days grieving what was happening in the world. I finally realized that I could give my power away to fear and unhappiness or I could find a way to change my outlook. After all, the only things we really have control over are our perceptions and our attitude.
The first step I took was to change my focus, to begin to concentrate on what was right in our world. There is still so much to love if you spend some time looking for it. Look at the human responses to all the tragedy throughout the world. So many people sacrifice their own safety, money and health to be where they are needed. This is not necessarily what makes the news, but it is the truth of our world; there are more loving, concerned people than there are selfish, hateful ones. This is an easy truth to forget.
Spectacle and horror are so much more interesting and, therefore, more actively advertised than random acts of loving kindness. Regardless, we must seek out small and large acts of goodness. To help balance the negative energies, we need to submerge ourselves in all the kindnesses around us, not only through what can be found on the computer, but also what we can observe within our daily environment.
It doesn’t have to be something big or spectacular. Often the smallest acts create the largest vibration. Perhaps the smile given to the homeless man allowed him to feel acknowledged for the first time in months. Be prepared to help your elderly neighbor carry their packages. Pitch in a few dollars so that a young mother can afford to buy something she’s put aside in the grocery line. Notice when someone needs a helping hand and offer it.
Examine how you can expand and nurture that which is good and loving instead of participating in all the hate. Look for ways you can promote what you love. If you are worried about the environment, then recycle, plant trees, or work in a community garden. Children? Work in a crisis nursery or in a Head Start program. Politics? Support a candidate you believe in. When you are working to make a difference, your energy changes so that you are feeling different.
Find a passion. It is very difficult to be sad and passionate at the same time. Connect with other passionate people. Join a group that is making a difference in a way that EMPOWERS you. As you feel your power grow, your life will feel more balanced and enjoyable.
Become excited about learning and growing. Ask questions and demand answers. Never stop learning and asking, and when you finally have some answers, teach. It’s amazing how much more you learn when you teach and are answering other people’s hard questions.
And finally, take back your power. Instead of waiting for others to make the changes you would like to see in the world, be the instrument of change. The more you do, the better you will feel and the easier it will be to continue your positive, empowered attitude. When you feel you are contributing more to the world, you will agonize less about what is wrong with it. Through taking back your natural ability to create your own happiness, you will feel that your life is in balance.
We all have the power to create the world we want. It’s when we relinquish our power to others that we allow ourselves to lose our balance, our way, and ultimately our happiness. We are creators living in our creation. If you want a different more compassionate world, let’s work together to create it. Anything is possible if you allow yourself to believe.