“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” — Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Who does not like to stay within the comfort zone and reap the best benefits? But life is not always rosy! In spite of all our efforts, challenges keep track of where we are, and get to us, leaving us with two options: surrender or fight back to the best!
Surrendering to a particular challenge is only going to make you feel worse day after day. It is not a question of winning or losing a challenge, but about facing it, and giving your best shot!
Various life situations forced me to deal with the most unwanted situations. I could either break or make myself in such situations, but I always chose the latter. The outcome: satisfaction and success.
With the right mindset, it is not difficult to face challenges and come out with flying colors:
- Give your best — Leave no stone unturned to accomplish what you have decided to. At the worst, you might not get what you were aiming for, but you tried for it and that makes you a winner!
- Overcome the fear of the unknown — We don’t realize we are always dealing with unknown situations and people around us; the only difference is that they do not matter as much, so we do not really need to bother about them too much. Take any challenge as an unknown person or a situation coming into your life, which cannot really change anything for the worse for you. Take charge and face it.
- Think of the worst — In case of any challenge, think of the worst that can happen to you! Perhaps you are trying to get a better job and have an interview lined up for it. Instead of worrying about it, think about the worst that can happen; you will not get the job and will have to continue with the current one? It is OK, because you are not jobless.
- Positive vibes — Seeing my mother going through her last days with cancer was the most challenging time in my entire life. But my sister, father and I my were positive throughout, and that kept us going in the most difficult situation in our lives. Nonetheless, we lost her, but the most challenging phase of our life passed by positively, without us draining our energies worrying about it.
- Work towards taking up the challenge — There is no better route to success than hard work; it always pays off in one way or another. Construct a mind-map showcasing all possible routes to achieving success. This will give you a clear roadmap to achieve your goals in a concrete way.