Swan Dive


I peeked through the door
As the early morning sun
Sent pale slivers of light
Across the floor

His head was bent
Over his pillow
Too weak
To raise his head

White feathers mounted
On the bathroom floor.

He looked at me,
One now faded blue eye
Accepted my presence
As it swam and rolled
In the ocean of white

Like a wounded bird
He offered his trust
Knowing his life
Floated like a leaf
On this shallow pond.

Knobby knees wobbled
A hand touching his back
To steady him
Slowly we inched
Towards the proffered chair

I heard the cardinal call
In the tree outside his window
And wondered if the bird knew
That one of his own
was being
Called home.

Fare for All pop up grocery store
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Holly Gray Schuck
Holly Gray Schuck, M.S., LicSW, has over 30 years experience in psychotherapy, working with individuals, couples and families. She has a private practice using a blend of spiritual direction and traditional therapy. Holly has worked as a primary therapist for over 15 years at a Northern Wisconsin reservation clinic, serving children and families. She has studied with Alberto Villoldo, Americo Yabar, Juan Nunez Prado, Sun Bear, Serge King, Pat Burdy, Arna Lesha, Master Stephen Co with Advanced Pranic Healing, and studied with Luzclara, her teacher/mentor/friend, for 22 years. Holly is a former wilderness instructor and white water guide and leads expeditions to sacred sites internationally.


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