Paganicon, a Pagan conference featuring workshops, panels, discussions, social space, live music, a ball, vendors and more, returns for the eighth year to the Twin Cities. Hosted by Twin Cities Pagan Pride, the event provides an educational and social venue for Pagans, Wiccans, Heathens, Druids, and other folk, craft, indigenous or magickal traditions. The Paganicon Midwest Conference takes place March 16-18 at the Doubletree Park Place Hotel, 1500 Park Place Blvd, Minneapolis.
Paganicon welcomes these guests of honor:
• Diana Paxson — Paxson is an author of fiction and non-fiction, an elder, teacher and leader in the Heathen and Pagan communities. Her non-fiction books include Taking Up the Runes, Essential Asatru, Trance-Portation, The Way of the Oracle, Possession, and Odin: Ecstasy, Runes and Norse Magic. Her novels include the Westria novels, The White Raven, the Wodan’s Children trilogy and the continuations of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Avalon series. She also writes a regular column for the women’s spirituality magazine, Sagewoman.
• Patricia Lafayllve — Lafayllve is the author of two books, A Practical Heathen’s Guide to Asatru, and Freyja, Lady, Vanadis: An Introduction to the Goddess. She has also written several journal articles, and the first part of a modern retelling of Njal’s Saga. She has been pagan for more than 30 years, and a practicing Heathen for 20 years. As a lifetime member of The Troth, Patricia has served as Steward, High Steward, Redeswoman and Steerswoman. She founded The Troth’s Lore Program and serves as a Godwoman in the Clergy Program.
• Sancista Brujo Luis — Luis is a Puerto Rican Brujo (witch) as well as a medium-channeler raised in the Puerto Rican, Espiritismo Criollo folkloric tradition. Luis practices various traditions of Caribbean Brujeria (witchcraft) and Mesa Blanca, which loosely translates into “White Table,” a term used to refer to a shamanic ceremony of Caribbean Spiritualism. Sancista Luis mixes his blend of Puerto Rican Sanse with his Boricua heritage, Taino Behique, and Bohitu Shamanic traditions. Adding to his practices are Bantu and Yoruba Spirituality, European Spaniard, and Gitano Brujería, and cartomancy. Luis is the author of Luz Y Progreso: A Handbook for Developing Mediums.
Other guest speakers include: Chris Shelton, author, professional YouTuber, public speaker and former cult member turned activist; Daphie Pooyak Yeomans, a Cree storyteller and Medicine Woman from Sweetgrass Reserve in Saskatchewan, Canada; and singer-songwriter SJ Tucker. Featured guests include Kari Tauring, a Nordic folk musician, dancer, storyteller and author of The Runes: A Deeper Journey; and the entertainment troupe found regularly at the Renaissance Festival, Viking Encampment.
Artists from all over the country will be displaying all types of visual media at the 2018 Art Show, which is free and open to the public.
Twin Cities Pagan Pride educates the general public about earth-reverent faiths, promotes religious tolerance for all faiths, and provides a forum for the exploration, comparison, contrast, growth and expansion of diverse spiritual and religious ideas, theories, practices, traditions and views.
For more information on Paganicon, visit