The sixth annual Conscious Living Expo, hosted by Lake Harriet Spiritual Community (LHSC), will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 7. The event is free.
Personal healing is an emphasis of the expo this year, and a variety of healing modalities will be on display. The expo will include a variety of exhibitors, free workshops and demonstrations in the areas of holistic health, green products, alternative energy, nutrition and other health-related activities. A food truck will be on site and other refreshments will be available.
Lake Harriet Spiritual Community believes sustainable living is an important part of living consciously and the Conscious Living Expo is a way to promote awareness of sustainability.
LHSC is located at 44th and Upton Avenue S., Minneapolis. For more information, call 612.922.4272, email and visit