In the Esoteric Tradition, every full moon is an opportunity to contact potent spiritual energies streaming into the Earth, particularly at this period in history — the start of the new Age of Aquarius. However, in the Spring of every year, beginning with the first full moon after the Spring Equinox, in the Astrological sign of Aries — the sign of new beginnings — the energies begin to build.
Meditators, particularly those in Transmission Meditation (, sense the increasing power and often sit for many hours of service as they step down these energies that would otherwise bounce off average humanity. Their energetic output provides the stimulus for all people of goodwill to make an extra effort to serve their fellow men and women.
“The time has come, as never before, to act in accordance with your professed ideals…remember you are your brothers’ keeper,” said The Master through Benjamin Creme (
At the time of the next full moon (on April 29) in Taurus, the annual ritual known as the Wesak Festival is played out in a valley in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains. Presided over by both the Buddha (embodying the Wisdom of God) and the Christ (embodying the Love of God) it is the deeply significant event of the year for humanity, no matter of what tradition. It is a meeting of East and West.
At the narrow, northeast end of the long valley, there is a great flat rock holding a crystal bowl of water. Standing nearby is Maitreya The Christ, the representative of humanity. Arranged behind him are the graded ranks of disciples from the most eminent of the Knowers and holy men, down to the most humble pilgrims. As the time of the full moon approaches, they see a tiny speck in the sky at the narrow mouth of the valley. It slowly grows larger until the seated figure of The Buddha appears and hovers over the bowl of water.
Maitreya chants a great Mantram, creating a vibratory stimulation of such power that the whole of the valley’s visitors, great and small, become one in their aspiration for the new life, the energetic vitality that The Buddha is receiving from God in response to their aspiration.
This climactic moment is beautifully described by Josephine Harrison in her article published in Share International magazine entitled, “The Wesak Festival: A Journey to the Center of the Universe.”
This is the supreme moment of spiritual vitalization of humanity as the energies from Shamballa — a great Center on the etheric planes above Mongolia where the Will of God is known — transmitted through the Buddha, are received by Maitreya as representative of humanity. The water in the crystal bowl is then held up and blessed by Him, as the participants in the ceremony come forward, one at a time, to sip the water. Pilgrims, who find their way to the valley from central Asia, bring their flasks of water to participate in this final blessing. The ceremony ends when the Buddha holds up His right hand in blessing as He slowly recedes and is seen again as a tiny speck in the sky (
The next full moon in the sign of Gemini is called the Festival of Humanity, or the Christ Festival. At this time, Maitreya, having received the new vitalizing energies from the Buddha at the Wesak, begins distributing them to humanity all over the world. He continues this distribution at each of the following full moons until the next spring when the festivals again portray humanity’s approach to God, calling for new life (Aries), God responding through the Buddha to Maitreya at the Wesak (Taurus), and Maitreya again distributing the increasingly potent energies at the Festival of Humanity (Gemini).
The rhythm is unbroken year after year, and gradually we understand that we have never been alone, never without the care of our Father Who art in Heaven.
Attend the Fargo Holistic Expo on April 21-22 and visit the Share International booth (No. 208) and attend a free lecture at 1 p.m. Sunday on “The Three Faces of Esotericism.”